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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I would think it is worth a shot, I threw a 5XD around a bit on Monday, but no bites on it, but that was before the water jumped another 7 feet. Had a couple of fish chase jigs to the boat, could be time to throw a swim jig into those bushes.
  2. I think you guys did good to put 4 bass in the boat with the lake up almost 7 feet since Tuesday.
  3. Quillback

    Our Mothers...

    My mom's side of the family (Bootheel MO) fried everything, fish, beef, pork and chicken. Always made gravy from the drippings (except for the fish). Canned everything else, cream corn, beans, Crowder peas, tomato relish and fruit. That stuff was sooooo good. Times have changed.
  4. Tough division, Pittsburgh would be in first in either of the other 2 NL divisions. The Cubs would be in first in one division, and a game out in the other.
  5. I feel your pain. I have plenty of green tomatoes, but not a red one yet. Cucumbers are doing pretty good, made up 8 jars of pickles last week. Squash has been OK, but the squash bugs have shown up in force here also, won't be long before they destroy the plants.
  6. Welcome!
  7. Powerful looking fish, big tail on it.
  8. From the Bass Blaster email: "I was out on the water by a little after 8 a.m. and decided to try one of the coves on the loop west of Viola. I was about 15 feet out from the shoreline when something made a large splash just a few feet from my boat. My first thought was a fish jumping, but it had too much of a 'kerplunk' sound to it. > "Then within seconds I actually saw the second rock arc through the air and hit just a couple of feet of where the first one did. It was a little larger than a softball and it had come from far enough back into the brush and trees that it would have taken a champion shotput thrower to throw it that far. > "...all of a sudden this huge hairy man-like thing reared up from apparently being crouched down in the brush. Judging by the fact that the 4-foot-tall bush only covered him from the waist down, he must have been close to 8 feet tall and built like a weightlifter. He was covered with dark brown hair over all of him I could see.... > "Then all of a sudden he let out with a screeching scream - that is the only way I can describe it - and reached over and grabbed a sapling that was at least 2-3 inches in diameter with both hands, shook it a few times and then snapped it like a dry twig. That's when I decided it was time to leave...."
  9. Even blind fish can find it. Nice bunch of bass there!
  10. Man, it is up for sure. Here's the link, they show about a 10 second shot. http://www.weather.com/storms/severe/news/flash-flooding-july-south-midwest
  11. Rained hard here in Bella Vista this morning, and from the forecast (assuming they get it right), it's just round one.
  12. I'm starting to think about that, except going very early in the morning to get a couple of hours of pre-dawn fishing in.
  13. Thanks for the report, water sure is a different color by the dam than it is up the White.
  14. Did not know the Kenai was closed. When I lived in Seattle it was a popular destination, one of the few places that gave you a shot at a 50 lb. or more king.
  15. Only heard one blasting music, hard to hear the music over all the engine noise.
  16. I'd rather have sockeye, but kings are pretty darn good.
  17. Caught some drop shot fish, all spots, and picked up a few on jigs off the steep banks. Maybe 2or 3 of the spots would have been keepers. Super Happy Crazy Time started about 9 AM today, with that and a stiff breeze, made it hard for me to stay in the main channel. Caught 14 total, water is murky, 2-4 feet of viz, temp 82-83.
  18. I'm in with the 5-6 PM timeframe.
  19. They sure fooled me, Bella Vista fish haven't been interested in them either. Only time they have worked is when there is a top water feeding frenzy going on, but as Bill mentioned, they'll eat about anything when that happens.
  20. I'll keep an eye out for your bait, but I'm thinking you were probably up river a ways from where I usually fish. Stinks to lose a favorite bait.
  21. That is funny!
  22. Don't know about Missouri, but had a buddy pulled over for no wake violation on Beaver. He got a ticket, but went to court and beat it. No Wake in Arkansas means speed less than 5 MPH (and my buddy was going slow). The officer that issued the ticket did not have a radar gun, so my buddy argued that because of that the officer couldn't have known how fast he was going. The judge agreed with him. A second factor was that the officer did not show in court.
  23. Sockeye are tasty. Do you have a smoker going?
  24. Saw it listed as a new product on the TW homepage. It's in stock. No, I have not purchased one, but the fingers are getting itchy. Must wait for the TW 4th of July sale....
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