Great video Phil! Here's a couple of still shots.
Things really came together yesterday, Phil and Bill brought a ton of food, really good food I might add. Bill's wife Becky made a great chili mac, best I ever had. RPS made some mean wings. Donna's potato salad was great and the big bucket of it that she brought emptied out fast.
When I got there at 0630, Robert (Muddy Water) already had a canvas overhead set up that kept us dry through the morning rain, and thanks to his wife Karen for her help also.
Some great deserts were contributed, thanks to all of you that added to the buffet!
And thanks Ketchup and his wife for bringing some fold-out tables - they were needed to set up all that food!
Thanks to Bo (Nutech), Dave (Dtrs5kprs) and the folks from Lew's for the great tackle gifts.
And I believe Phil put Duckydoty in charge of providing the trophy. Very nice looking trophy, and congrats to Kbilb for the win!
As far as the fishing:
The water was on the rise the whole day, came up over a foot on Saturday alone. Reports were that the backs of the coves were fairly muddied up from runoff. Quite a bit of small debris in the water. Steady rain throughout much of the morning. I heard water temps were around 46-47 degrees.
Most of the folks reported anywhere from 5 -10 fish caught, with a keeper or two on average, Big fish were tough to come by. I heard of fish being caught on Jerk baits, jigs, the Ned, and a couple of Wart fish.