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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Welcome, and good luck on your trip!
  2. That's a slab crappie - congrats to your daughter!
  3. Pulled a couple today, getting milder, but more like a generic white onion than a yellow sweet onion. Good sliced on a burger. Going to get some Italian sausages and grill them with sautéed peppers and onions for subs.
  4. That's a nice, fat brown.
  5. Very tasty looking!
  6. Quillback

    World Cup

    Yeah the shoot out kinda stinks in my opinion. But they need to end the game somehow. Looking forward to Germany vs Brazil.
  7. Quillback


    Some really nice bass, looks like a hoot. I had the hook-in-finger-with-a-fish-on experience myself a month or so ago. I also feel your pain.
  8. Quillback

    Holiday Float

    Good luck, maybe bring a camera and post some "wildlife" photos for us?
  9. Thanks for the report. Back in my working days I used to fish for blue cats on Grand on the weekends as it was the only time I could go. I'd go early in the AM so it wasn't too bad until 10 or 11 AM, then it would get crazy. For whatever reason you see bigger pleasure boats on Grand than you do on Beaver or TR. Big cigarette type boats, large yachts, and house boats.
  10. Looks like a father/son collision. Be careful out there.
  11. Quillback

    World Cup

    Watched some of the Germany vs France match - good game.
  12. Yep I always say the same thing, nobody seems to work anymore. But it is worse on the weekend. Of course, I'm retired also and just add to the weekday crowds. Come on November!
  13. Here are a couple of them - they're about 4" diameter.
  14. I have noticed that, plenty of shad, and the bass seem to be ignoring them - maybe that will change soon.
  15. Did a quick search for "drop Shot" and author Bill Babler. See Bill's comments in this thread.
  16. Bill Babler put together some drop shot tips a year or 2 ago, great stuff, you may have to do some searching to find it.
  17. I can't believe anyone would even think of pulling skiers in the fog.
  18. Good luck - I'll be curious to hear how you do, I've been thinking about going over there next week.
  19. If these onions get any stronger, that will not be good.
  20. Nice bass, not many folks weighing 6 lbers. lately.
  21. Yeah I like that wake bait (hopefully they run straight out of the box). If that re-issue of the Wiggle Wart is truly like the old ones - there's some guys out there that are going to be stuck with some old baits that suddenly won't have much value. Cool stuff, thanks for posting.
  22. Lots of fish getting stuck this spring, not just by the tourney folks either, and probably 80% are sub legal, so they are not going in live wells to be weighed. Maybe all the pressure wised them up a bit. I don't know. But as a counter argument, I'm just not seeing much feeding activity the last couple of weeks. I believe the bass are still there, just not very active. Now I just fish the White river channel, so can't speak for the lower lake.
  23. Ok, thanks - guess I'll need to give them some more time.
  24. Bought some sets this spring, "Texas Sweets" supposed to be a "sweet and mild" onion. Planted them last half of March, they are supposed to be read in 90-100 days, when the tops turn brown. Many of them now have brown tops, and about all have the tops fallen over. Pulled a couple today, pretty strong, but edible. But not what I would call "sweet and mild" Should I leave them in the ground a while longer? Or is this as good as it gets?
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