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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Now they are saying we have the potential for a few inches Tuesday.
  2. A couple of years ago when we had a couple of nights of below zero temps, including one night where it hit -14, I hoped for a dillo die-off. It did not happen.
  3. Well, looks like a few more days at least of no fishing.
  4. Long range forecast does not look bad, of course it's hard to trust it.
  5. I'll be happy with three days of 50's.
  6. Dang that sounds like an awesome trip. Any estimate on the really big browns that got off?
  7. 50's in the forecast for late this week!
  8. Good stuff for sure.
  9. Good stuff, thanks!
  10. LOL, yeah I guess you can go hiking, but I like to find peace and quiet and catch fish.
  11. I really need to clean the carpet, but I'm waiting for it to be at least in the 50's. Which may be August the way things are going this year weather wise.
  12. Quillback


    Wow, we need some warm weather.
  13. Quillback


    I think you're right, I'd say KVD is the favorite, followed by Martens.
  14. Cool good luck! If you happen to swing by Big M, could you please take a look into the Big M cove and see if the ramp area is ice free? Hopefully those back roads are snow and ice free.
  15. I buy occasionally from LBF, sometimes they have stuff that TW does not. Their prices seem in general to be higher than TW, so I avoid them unless it's something I just gotta have. I really don't need any more HFC craws (I have 2), I just thought it was funny that TW is already sold out.
  16. I'm just not into the 50 boats thing, even if I can catch a sackful. I'd rather fish one of the big lakes where it's tougher in general, but where you can get away from the crowds. I guess I've reached that point in life where a good day on the water isn't necessarily based on the numbers of fish that I catch. That being said, I can fish Swepco during the week and only have to deal with a half dozen boats. And you're right, even though that lake gets pounded, you can still catch good numbers and quality.
  17. I've eaten yeller perch and I've eaten crappie, but never have done a side by side taste test. But overall, I think either one are good eating fish.
  18. I went to the TW website to gaze upon them - they're sold out except for the least desirable chartreuse and red version. I'm visualizing hundreds of folks out on Table Rock, on the next warm day after ice-off, tossing HFC dads.
  19. What happened to her OLD boyfriend - did you use him as an ice tester last year?
  20. I haven't read one of the smallie books yet. But if I don't like the LL Bean book, I might take a gander. I'm primarily going to focus on largemouth and spots in the local lakes. Not that the stray smallie won't be welcomed.
  21. I haven't heard anything, but If I was a walleye fisherman I'd start poking around. That is, if everything is not iced up.
  22. I think most of you know this, but when BPS has their Spring sale they have bins full of Wiggle Warts for $3 and change each. Of course they are the "new" models, but they'll still catch bass and If you're looking to do some painting it's a good deal.
  23. Yeah I'd check out those crappie, could be some nice ones in there. I'd bring some jerk baits for the bass. Jigs and tubes also.
  24. Cool, good to have you on the board!
  25. HAHA, that is funny! As far as Aunts creek, I have no idea.
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