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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Put it in the water about 0645, it's barely light at the time. Water temp was 75 when I launched. I decided to go up the Rock Creek arm, wanted to try some shallow top water fishing and throw a jig around. Top water was a bust, in spite of throwing buzz baits (white and black) and a couple of walkers, I only had one bite on a walker that turned out to be a 14" spot. Weird day for jigs, my first jig bite was near a dock, dragging it on the bottom, felt that kind of rubbery feel you sometimes feel when you get a jig bite, but I was a little unsure so drug it a little more and THUMP, I swung and missed. Trailer had a claw pulled off. Got another bite a few minutes later on the other side of the dock - THUMP - swung and missed again, down goes another trailer with a missing claw. Fished down the bank a ways to where there was a bluff, tossed the jig up there, it sunk for about 2 seconds then just stopped, put a little pressure on it and felt a bite, swung and missed, trailer comes back with BOTH claws missing. Had another bite about 15 minutes later, that fish just about ripped the rod out of my hand, but somehow it did not get hooked, and yep, it tore up the trailer. Rest of the morning I could find a bite here and there, missed a few more, caught 2 shorts and a keeper which gave me a total of 4 bass with one keeper. One good spot that came off at the boat that ate a jig about 20 feet down off a bluff. Got it right to the boat, I bet it would've gone about 2 and a half. Had a reasonable number of bites today, but just could not turn them into fish in the boat. Monarch butterflies are moving through, saw about 10 today, mostly in the main channel flying south. Also got buzzed by a couple of A-10's. They flew right over me, maybe 500 feet up. They are loud!
  2. Or the Beav...
  3. Looks like they have been charged with kidnapping, which also explains the FBI being involved.
  4. If you can't afford a lawyer, more reason to not say a word.
  5. Yeah what the heck is an "overload" trucker? Sounds like those guys allowed themselves to be questioned without a lawyer present. Don't talk, get an attorney.
  6. Well the neighborhood bow hunter is out there somewhere, I see his truck parked at the end of the cul-de-sac. I hope he gets several. Don't care if they are tasty or not, I want to see them gone.
  7. Ran across this video, thought you folks might enjoy it.
  8. Sure is some great weather, good time to get out and fish.
  9. Forgot to mention that the Monarchs are starting to migrate through, saw a couple crossing the lake yesterday.
  10. Beats working in the salt mine.
  11. Not a lot of action for me today, caught 6 10-13 inch smallies. Gave them my best shot, jigs and Keitechs and some top water, but never found any sizeable fish. Did see a little striper top water activity for a bit early. Had one blow up twice on a walk-the-dog bait, but didn't get him hooked. Lots of small shad swimming in the main channel of Indian. Surface temp 77.
  12. That is a lot of squirrels.
  13. Here's a pre-can beer bottle, found at a flea market, not in a river. One of my ancestors was a snake oil salesman. When I lived in Washington, my neighbors were bottle collectors, they used to travel all over looking for bottles and would dig into old outhouse holes to look for them too. They gave me this one, probably 1870's or so.
  14. Looks like a neat lake, no gas motors, not that big, 670 acres or so, ought to make finding them a lot easier.
  15. Watched the latest episode of Ike's World or whatever the name is, anyway Ike went fishing in a reservoir in NJ by the name of Merrils Creek and they caught a lake trout. Looks to be easily within JF's driving range. Dunno if you've got a lake trout yet on your species quest. @Johnsfolly
  16. Man that is some good fishing! I went today and made myself stay shallow and I stunk it up, 3 little 12" spotted bass. Did catch a big gar on top, had him snagged in the side of the head, he pulled drag and did some tail walking, couple of times that fish was completely out of the water, kind of neat to see. Had him head first in the net, I was going to get his head in the net then grab him by the wrist at the tail, but he got a hook snagged on the net and tore free. Was glad to see him go, but on the other hand would've liked to get a pic.
  17. I do remember those, something else I had forgotten about.
  18. That is a pretty neat find, I can remember the days of using can openers, well I remember the adults using them. Something I had forgotten about, it's neat to see reminders like this of the ways things were back in the day. It also brings back memories of those throw away tabs they used to have on cans, pull the tab right off the can. Oil cans too.
  19. Could've qualified for a world record, but it got fried. White catfish catch shatters Connecticut, and maybe, world record | KTUL
  20. That's great, life is keeping me busy so haven't had a chance to get over to the Beav in a while, but looking forward to the cooler weather and good to see there are still a few in the lake.
  21. Camping at the park will be closed so I anticipate the power will be off, so bring the charcoal - Jeff.
  22. I'm hoping someone will volunteer to bring some burgers.
  23. Sorry to hear that.
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