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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Thanks for the report - probably a river I'll never float, but neat to see the pics and read the story. My condolences on the loss of your friend.
  2. Z-Man Slim Swimz are an excellent little (2.5") swim bait for crappie. I can't get them to work for bass so I don't use them much, but they have worked for me in the past for crappie.
  3. Hey Phil - Do you know if any of those giant triploid browns are still in there? If so, you'd think they'd be feeding on these shad and getting even bigger!
  4. In my buddy Jeb's boat. We fished mid-lake from Monte Ne to Ventris. There's stained water from roughly Horseshoe Bend park down to Monte Ne and gets clearer as you go north. We caught 15 or so bass, nothing impressive size wise, lot of 12 inch spots and a few that were in the 13-15 inch range. I think the only thing I remember us catching them on were small Keitechs. We tried some other stuff, top water, spinner baits, shaky head, jerk baits and jigs but all we could get them on were those darn Keitechs. We also got 4 crappie, 3 of them were good ones - a couple of short walleye and a lone white bass. Most fish were off the bank in 5-20 FOW. We saw what looked like stripers swirling on top by the HWY 12 bridge, that along with several striper boats in that area leads me to believe that there are some there. It got super windy by the time we called it quits around 1230. WT 56. Forgot to add - If you like geese, they seem to be everywhere on the lake, it is their mating season so they are extra loud and obnoxious. All day long there was a constant background noise of goose honking. I don't know if I have ever heard or seen as many geese as I did yesterday on that lake. In spite of the geese, things are very scenic, red buds are peaking and the dogwoods are starting to bloom.
  5. Fished Beaver today in a buddy's boat and even though we were targeting bass, we did catch 4 crappie and 3 of them were good fish, one went 14 3/4". 2.8 Keitechs got them.
  6. Well I was rooting for Gonzaga, so sorry to see them lose, but no doubt the better team won. Baylor's defence was stifling, give them an open look at a three and they hit it, and any miss they had it seemed they got the rebound. Very few open shots for Gonzaga also, they had to work for every shot.
  7. And be sure and add some lime juice, nullifies that hair tonic taste of gin, and adds vitamin C to prevent scurvy. 😃
  8. It is caused by a parasite that gets into your blood from the bite of a mosquito. An Anopheles mosquito. Anopheles is Ancient Greek for "useless". There are hundreds of mosquito variants that fall under the heading of Anopheles, and one strain lives in our part of the country. Fortunately for us, the parasite has been eliminated throughout the range of that mosquito here in the US. I also read that an estimated 400,000 people die annually from malaria, most of the deaths are in equatorial Africa.
  9. Yeah I bet you are right. The phrase "Namebinikaa" means "There are many white suckers" in Ojibwe.
  10. Well if I was to place a bet, I'd say it is a Western Creek Chubsucker. And a good one as they supposedly max out at about 10 inches. No record for one listed in AGFC state records BTW, but Arkansas is in their range of distribution.
  11. Heard from someone that the Viola ramp was packed yesterday, maybe people are chasing whites and crappie. Nice toad!
  12. I can identify with this...
  13. This picture from the video cracks me up. (I know, I am easily amused).
  14. Yeah you can get the Lithium batteries with their own charger so you don't need an on board charger for the lithiums. Here's another video where the guy rigged his Livescope system to run off a Dewalt battery. My New LITHIUM BATTERY SETUP For LIVESCOPE! (+10K SUBSCRIBER GIVEAWAY) - YouTube
  15. I always said that I'm good at catching the stupid ones, now science has confirmed it. 😜
  16. Just picked up a few tomato plants, after tonight the 10 day forecast is looking pretty good as far as no frost. A little bit of a gamble to put them out now, but the payoff is getting tomatoes by mid-June or maybe earlier.
  17. That article is hilarious. Check out "Glowbug".
  18. Yeah the charging calls have certainly changed. Arkansas is very good at taking advantage of the change too. They played a game in the SEC season, can't remember exactly who it was, but I think it was Alabama where there were something like 17 total charging calls in the first half, and most of them were in AR's favor. It didn't work as well against Baylor, they did get that big moose Vital in foul trouble and eventually fouled out. That last Notae foul I thought was on him, the guy kamikazeed into what looked to be at least 3 Baylor players.
  19. Are you talking about the Head Hunter product? Landbigfish.com carries them for $6.99. And LBF is having a 20% off Easter sale, promo code EASTER21 for anyone that is interested.
  20. I believe there are some restrictions about boat parking in the community he lives in, otherwise I agree, keep it in the garage if possible. But if you can't do that, then it is off-site storage or keep it in a slip. Summer is approaching and the weather should start to stabilize especially early in the morning. You might consider just fishing for a few hours in the early morning thus avoiding the ski crowd. Maybe reach out to the other people in your community and see if there are some other fishermen that you can split trips with? Or if you go for off-site storage it would help to have a regular fishing buddy that can help you get the boat hooked up and launch also.
  21. I lived in Washington when Gonzaga started their rise from obscurity and have always rooted for them since. However I agree on the Timme showboating, the guy needs to stop. Just finished watching the UCLA/MI game (recorded it), great game, MI had some shots at the end, but they could not connect. I'm sure the Zags were very happy to see MI go down.
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