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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. That's a pretty good bite you found Cheese. First good TW bite I've heard of in a while.
  2. I recorded it and will watch it later. I thought I saw somewhere that there are 6 episodes? I'm hoping they didn't squeeze it all into one hour.
  3. Send board member Macsimus a pm, he lives up there. I'd bring a Whopper Plopper 130 or two with me, smallmouth should eat them, and you may get a musky to take a look at it.
  4. Must have been someone else.
  5. Hey Nancy - Do you and Al have keep your boat in a slip in the point 23 area? I think that was Al we talked to yesterday morning as he was getting ready to go out.
  6. There's my buddy Mike with a 3 lb. bass he caught on a c-rigged Rage craw. Fishing was tough, had to work for them. A bit of an early bite, found a few bass on a stretch of gravel that was between buck brush and tree lines banks, they were in there feeding early in the morning. After that it got tough, with a fish here and there. Around noon we got into another one of those wakes crashing into the bank bites, and had a 1/2 hour or so of a decent bite. Best baits were jigs, c-rigged craw, and Mike got a couple on a square bill. Later in the morning I started fishing a Trick worm on a Charlie Brewer Spider head and got some bass on it. I was gliding that worm, pull it off the bank and let in swing down, doing a little reeling, no feel thing, like Ned fishing. We caught about 20 bass, a few decent largemouth, a couple of good spots, the rest 12-14" fish. Surface water temp was 83.
  7. "Son, lay your rod down and put on your life jacket." I have this image of Clint Eastwood delivering that line.
  8. Yikes, I better go back and edit that.
  9. Wow, great bass for this time of year!
  10. I think it is, seems to have a lot of spotted bass in it, but has a dark green color.
  11. I went through a pack and a half, plus a few Zoom Fat Alberts, and a couple of Paca Chunks.
  12. Quillback


    Seeing how big I can make the pics pixel wise before I get an error. Site software must be limiting picture width/height. I edit them on my PC, save them to a bigger pixel size, but the pics are the same size on here no matter what pixel size I save them as. Ok, saved it in the gallery, then selected "Big" for the image and made it bigger.
  13. Fished Monday with Muddy Water, cloudy morning which helped the bite, hard part was finding what banks they were on, when we found them we had some good action, if we didn't find them, we'd get hardly a bite. Steep banks with timber or flooded bushes were the best, just had to pick a bank and fish and hope it was a good one. Fish were right outside the bushes for the most part, but a few were out deep, or followed the bait back to the boat. 1/2 oz jigs were the best bait, Robert got a few on the Ned. We got about 30 total, maybe 1/2 dozen keepers, but no big ones. had one about 3.5 come off at the boat. Today I was by myself, found a good early bite in shallow water off a gravel point, got a half dozen spotted bass dragging the 1/2 oz jig in the shallows. They stopped once the sun got over the hill and things got tough for a while. Water was dead calm, sun was out, not good. Fished some of the banks Robert and had done well on yesterday, not much going on them today. Picked up one every once in a while, but it was slow. Tried c-rigging the depths, not much there either, though I did get a keeper sized largemouth in 25 FOW. Hit one last stretch of bank before going in, bank was getting a lot of waves from the wake boats and that generated a bite, caught 10 in my last hour of fishing, all on the 1/2 oz jig. Finished with 20 bass, 4 keepers, again nothing notable size wise. Got about half my bites swimming the jig. I would cast to the bank, hop it a couple of times, and if no bites, I would swim it back, sometimes I'd pause it on the swim, let it fall and they'd hit it. Or they'd grab it while it was swimming. Using a Strike King Rage Craw as a trailer, good action from the claws. No top water bites. WT around 80, water is a dingy brownish color with a few feet of viz.
  14. Congrats on some good fishing!
  15. The below is what makes me laugh. Can't handle the wakes? Just get a bigger boat! "Boaters talk of buying bigger craft just to stay afloat — going to a 28-footer from a 22-footer to avoid getting swamped by the 50-footer that replaced a 40-footer. Troopers patrolling the lake say that escalation of boat size, combined with more traffic on the lake, makes for more treacherous waters." Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/state/missouri/article156461774.html#storylink=cpy
  16. Yep, I wonder if the Z's would compete with the shad for plankton. A significant drop in the shad population would not be good for the stripers or any other fish that relies on them.
  17. Here's a link to the article. No one has an answer. http://www.kansascity.com/news/state/missouri/article156461774.html
  18. Excellent!
  19. Sweet, I am surprised to see a spawned out brownie this late. And I did not see "Dirt" in your list of successful colors so I am also a bit disappointed.
  20. You'll have to launch off the black top, courtesy dock not useable at this level. Parking lot is mostly underwater, a bit of a strip up top, so you'll have to park off the side of one of the roads. Not a whole lot of room close to the ramp for parking, so you may have to walk a bit, but you should be able to find a place to park. I'd get there early, especially if you are going on the weekend.
  21. The Japanese beetles have not been very numerous around my house the last few years, I have no idea why, they were really bad for a while. Maybe it's a cyclical thing, but if you guys are getting them, I'm sure I will be seeing them soon.
  22. After they dry, I put them in a cheap, small Plano box. After a few months the corners of the box curl up and you need to get a new one, but they are only $2.50 each. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Plano_3450_6_Compartment_Stowaway/descpage-P34506.html
  23. Oh yeah, this means war! I'm bringing a grappling hook tied to strong rope, and I'm gonna drag all of the brush out of YOUR spots, load in into the boat and put that brush in MY spots.
  24. I've tried Gorilla glue, it runs something awful which if you're doing it in the boat can be a problem. Even doing Neds at home it seems I would get some of that G-glue on my fingers. It also dries to a white color, don't know if it bugs the fish, but I don't like it. I am back to the gel, even with the nozzle issues. I'll glue up 20 Neds at a time, if you get the Mustad hooks on Dave's heads they won't rust out, make up a bunch at one time, at home, use gel, and all is good.
  25. If the Ned wire down the throat trick doesn't work, I'll nip the top off of the spout with scissors.
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