Looking at the radar right now, looks like most of it is passing to the north and east. Maybe more storms will form to the south and move up here later, but we may catch a little break.
My man Edwin got skunked today, finished 104th. Chris Lane got one for 1 lb. 8 oz, he finished 94th. Looks like tough fishing for most of them, with a few doing good.
I am just using my faulty memory, but I believe a few years ago it got up to 1132 during a big rain, the did start dumping water and it really caused a mess downstream of the dam. Hopefully it won't get that bad this time.
Does this have anything to do with those time share salesmen that hang out at the main entrance at the BPS in Springfield? Grabbing suckers? HAHA.
All that aside I don't have any advice on grabbin' suckers.
You gotta laugh. Kansas has pretty stringent laws regarding hunter education, even someone my age has to have attended a Hunter ed course to get a license in Kansas. Obviously the training did not take hold in the minds of these 3 stooges. Fortunately it appears no one was seriously hurt.
El Presidente failed! Say it ain't so!
Seth I have had the same thing happen to a spool on a Supreme, little metal tag provides that drag noise, it burned out. Drag still works, but I need that noise. Usually can find spools on Ebay.