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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. You heard right, he said something about it in relation to the 55. I think he said something along the lines of it being a shallow version of the 55.
  2. I haven't bought anything lately, but I have a list.
  3. I just watch the TV stuff - did somebody lose a motor?
  4. I don't know if it will be a square bill or some kind of short curved lip deal. Spro already has a SB lineup, so there must be a different twist on this RC, I wish McClelland would've give a little more info.
  5. Yep, that was it.
  6. Mike McClelland said on Fishing U, that Spro is coming out with a shallow version of the Rock Crawler.
  7. Saw a couple of snow flakes this morning, 80's just a couple of days ago. Long range forecast, for what it's worth, shows a warmer than average March.
  8. That's pretty good for a blue sky cold front day. Do you know what the winning weight was?
  9. All my guys are done. Not one in the final cut.
  10. For sure, I have refrained from bashing Mizzou due to the fact that they beat the Hogs in football this year, then spanked them on the BB court. BB loss was especially painful considering Mizzou was tied for last in the SEC at the time.
  11. You gotta have that upper glue. I did not go today, but looking at the weather this morning I can see where it would have been tough.
  12. HAHA, me and my fishing buddy Jeb are always making lame jokes about who caught the biggest stick fish, hardest fighting stick fish and so on.
  13. 176, you're allowed to come late to the party if you want, just have to be back by the weigh in time. (If you have something to weigh in ). Looking forward to seeing the new jersey!
  14. 2 more weeks!
  15. I had only one guy make the 50 man cut - Jordan Lee - and he's 23 lbs. behind.
  16. I was going to buy it until I saw they charged for shipping.
  17. Well I hate to give away one of Champ's secrets, but what champ does the day before he goes fishing, he'll head over to Hook, Line, and Sinker and pick up several bags of Zoom Centipedes, how many bags is dependent on how optimistic he is. Centipedes come in a 20 pack BTW. So he'll open up a bag and every time he or Donna catch a bass, he'll take out a centipede and throw it up on the bank. He'll do that until he empties a bag, then he'll start on a new bag. At the end of the day, he'll total up the number of empty bags, and count how many are left in a partially empty bag. So in his case yesterday he had 3 empty bags and 17 left in the last bag he opened. The final step is Champ will send a message to one of the math professors at U of A, giving him the totals as I showed above. They can usually get at least a number that is in the ball park of what Champ & Donna caught. Most of us Arkansans have some sort of system like that.
  18. If you are willing to make a bit of a drive, there is a lot of bank access at Viney (owned by the state) and at Big M. With the water being down, there's lots of bank. You might have to do some scrambling on some rocky banks, but those banks are usually the best to fish. When the top water bite gets going later in the spring, there is almost always some action around Viney.
  19. Thanks for the report!
  20. HAHA, all my pet bass are dinks. Nice one Mike!
  21. Well my guys are off to a lousy start. Jordan Lee - 26th A Martens - 34th Koby Kreiger - 52nd Ish - 60th Zaldain - 83rd I really expected Ish to do well.
  22. It doesn't run on this side of the state. I wish it did.
  23. Bass over at Swepco spawn late January early February, but they have Florida strain genes. I would think it would also involve egg development, if the water is warm early are the eggs going to be ready for them to spawn?
  24. Looks to be pretty breezy Friday night into Saturday, if that holds true you probably won't have to worry about fog. Could be a tad cold however.
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