Launched at 0630 and fished until 1:30 PM. Found some early fish on the edge of a dock, pulling a swing head jig with a creature, caught a 2.5 lb. largemouth which was my biggest fish. A bunch of small black bass started schooling chasing 1/2inch shad out in the main channel, so I cast to those dudes using a Whopper Plopper. Caught quite a few of them, but all small 10-12" fish. I thought there might be some bigger fish with them, but that was not the case. Small bait, small bass. Reading 5bites report, it sounds like he found some of these dudes also. I guess it's good for the future as there are sure a lot of them.
The small shad are everywhere, on the bank, in the channel, and back in the coves.
Did catch some keeper brownies on a 3/8 oz jig, 4 of them, kind of unusual to get that many keeper smalls in a day in the upper end. They were on chunk rock banks in roughly 5-10 FOW.
No wind, made for a tough bite. Water temps 77-79, water still murky in the coves, but not as bad in the main channel. Maybe 5 feet of viz in the main channel.