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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Way to go Lance!
  2. You don't see too many fly caught suckers.
  3. That's a big chub.
  4. Good on you for getting out there! I stayed home and watched hoops, I hate the wind in the winter.
  5. Congrats! Once this weather gives us a break, we'll have to get out.
  6. Always loved bird hunting in the snow, if I could get out right after a snow it was great, for some reason in fresh snow they would not run and would hold up for the dogs to find.
  7. Oysters on the half shell sure are good, but man you can really rack up a bill for those things. Kinda like sushi, you don't want to in hungry. 😀
  8. Did ya'll get much? Maybe 3" here which was thankfully less than some of the dire forecasts.
  9. Got my lineup in. Some of the anglers are heavily owned, like Scott Martin. I never do well in the FL tourneys.
  10. Hopefully you can make it down here some day.
  11. One thing I really miss was going salmon fishing in Puget Sound and tossing the crab pots out on the way to the fishing and then pulling them on the way back to the ramp. Back then the limit was 6 Dungeness, on a good day you'd get a limit. There were also Red Rock Crabs, they liked rocky terrain (thus the name), a little smaller on average than Dungeness and you could keep a smaller size, Dungeness had to be something like 6" across the shell and Red Rocks 5". The Red Rocks had a little different taste, but were pretty good and meaty like the Dungeness. I never have seen Red Rocks in restaurants or stores for sale, dunno why, maybe too hard to harvest commercially. Used to save the salmon heads and backbones left after filleting to use as crab bait. The regulations have tightened considerably since then, shortened seasons, limits, and so on.
  12. Thanks - There seems to be a strong year class of smallmouth in the 17-19 inch range.
  13. And cobia, one time, when Cody brought some to Jigfest. It was pretty darned good too.
  14. Never had sheepshead or redfish. I did have speckled trout once and it was pretty good.
  15. Pretty neat. Seems like if you made one a bit bigger it would be killer for bass.
  16. Once again started at 10 AM as it was too cold for me early. Keitech bite today, fished a 2.8 on 3/16th and 1/4 heads, slow rolled on the bottom. Caught mostly smallmouth and spots with one 2lb. largemouth. Fishing deep, 20-40 feet, scrubbing the bottom. The spots were in the trees back in Indian, smallmouth were off the points and gravel banks. No striper encounters today. Another nice day, guess that will end late tomorrow. Caught 15 bass, 6 were keepers.
  17. The man has it figured out!
  18. Wonder if it was a sand shark, or dogfish. Supposedly they are the "fish" in fish and chips served in England. They were annoyingly plentiful in Puget Sound. Never ate one myself.
  19. Well I was rooting for the Mizzites to upset Bama, but it did not work out. Bama is pretty darned good. Kansas losing by 20 at Allen? Say it ain't so!
  20. Good to hear you got it fixed. I'm about 90% today, so I'll be able to get in my walk and do other stuff besides sit in front of the TV. How about those Chefs? Curious to see how serious Mahome's injury is.
  21. Tweaked it bending over to pick up a shoe. I was able to soldier on and get out and go fishing. 😃 But today it was kinda sore, so no activity today for me.
  22. Got 4 games setup to record today. 2 NFL playoff games, AR hoops and Mizzou playing Bama. Woot-Hoot!
  23. Forgot about Stripers, Whites and hybirds - they are pretty much all the same to me. I can eat them, but not my favorites, I'll usually release them. I have some neighbors that I will give a striper to one of these days, after I fillet it, they want some fish, and they aren't fishermen so they have no pre-conceived notions on the edibility or tastiness of fresh water fish. I'll see what they think of it.
  24. Thought of another one - Northern Pike, they are pretty good, but the bones are aggravating to work around. I've eaten pickerel too, they are good. Kokanee - They are fresh water sockeye, not as good IMO as sockeye from the sea, but not bad. I tweaked my back yesterday, won't be doing much today but watching football and posting on the internet. I might think of some more fish I have eaten. I did think of another one - white perch. They eat well too. Catching one that were big enough to be worth cleaning was the issue with them.
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