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Everything posted by jdmidwest

  1. Interesting. I have a couple extra of those buttons. Time to google wireless fog lights.
  2. I could wire some backup lights into the trailer, I have 2 spare wires now since I rewired it after the mouse. Point them down and it would illuminate the ground too. I like that idea. I swapped out the reverse bulbs with the new hi intensity led bulbs from Auto Zone, I think that was money down the drain, can't see an increase. I could wire new lights like driving lights and put them on a switch. Turn them on when I need it. That light would work with any thing I pull and have to back up. I know the little boat and trailer is a pain on duck ramps backing it up too. But then I usually have a spotter.
  3. New trailer is narrower and all black, old one was wider with white fenders. It does not show up as well. Plenty of marker lights now after evicted mouse and fixed wiring. I think I could wire leds into backup wiring an make them work, they don't pull a lot of amps.
  4. Ok, the eyes are getting older and the boat trailer is getting longer. What does everyone do to increase rear vision when backing up trailers? I have a long driveway shrouded by trees, and it is usually late at night coming home with the new boat and trailer. I need something bright to light up the rear so I can see driveway better. The Sequoia has too many blind spots, small mirrors, and too old for backup camera standard. What do I need, night vision?
  5. I have seen them fly, not much time to yell "pull" before they whack you in the head, much less draw a bead. Lucky so far, never been hit, most jump away from boat. But they run rampant on the Mississippi feeder streams I have been on. Reelfoot has them also. So far, not a problem in TN River.
  6. All this is true. Bees carry chemicals back into hives and they build up in wax. I have been treatment free and don't use chemicals in hives. I have tried to keep down pests by management and non chemical things like that swiffer pad. I am bringing in new genetics this spring that are mite resistant. I am spraying they ground around hives to kill beetles before new ones arrive.
  7. I carry a stick of the JBweld putty in the jet boat for minor gashes. Goes on wet. Cures in water.
  8. jdmidwest


    The QB leads the team and sets the pace. Then the Coach calls the plays. Whatever happened, nothing seemed to work for Atlanta after the first half.
  9. But real onions take more effort. It takes the right kind of soil. Carrots are the same critter. I fished my way thru waterfowl season this year. Bringing back the old traditions that were before my buddy introduced me to watching the sky waiting for things to come down. Before I started duck hunting in the 90's, I was a 12 month a year fisherman. I am still trying to do that. But with a splattering of ducks here and there to break up the routine.
  10. jdmidwest


    I am sure they will remember the Atlanta QB. The only QB to lose a Superbowl in 51 years with a 10+ point lead at the half. He has set a new bar.
  11. The frames had been slimed and filled with maggots, aka SHB larva. They were so nasty, the bees moved out of the hive and stayed there. I burned them, not worth the time and money to clean them up. I sprayed the ground with permethrin but did not have any barriers in place. The wet late summer we had was a breeding ground for the beetle larva. Normally the ground under the hive dries out and is hard during that time of year. Beetle larva do not survive when they hit the ground. Other beekeepers in the area had a bad year with them, none as bad as me. It seems like shade was a factor, my yard has shade 1/2 the day. Full sun seems to keep beetles down too.
  12. Nope, its a new turd pond. Armored to prevent flooding into the river. http://archive.oa.mo.gov/fmdc/dc_contracts/ifb/X1424-03_ifb.pdf
  13. MDC stocked them, traded turkeys or rattle snakes for them. They created them again, kinda.
  14. You do know most of the St Francis Mountain chain near you are created by Volcanic activity. That thin spot in the crust may open up again with a big earthquake on the New Madrid Fault.
  15. The land the railways run on are from Federal Land Grants for access. Rail Companies own the tracks. They are essentially easements that can't be blocked or impeded.
  16. If they only made one for streams, sturdy enough to bounce off a few rocks like a jet boat, then I would own one. Have thought seriously many times about a Mokai, Kayak with a Jet Ski motor.
  17. Nothing runs girls out of a canoe like a snake falling off a limb into the middle of the boat. Of course, I did see a Cottonmouth fall into one on the Spring River, it was wise when they bailed out.
  18. Probably so, I have seen them fall off bluff right into fishing boats.
  19. I was using the term navigable streams in the ways shown in the article posted. I know they are meaningless here in MO. I think anything less than a tug boat can float it is deemed non-navigable. I even spoke about other states being more restrictive, but now digress. There are certain ditches and "streams" in SE Mo where I used to duck hunt that you can access by a floating boat. But, local authorities warn that severe trespass will occur if you "anchor or tie to the bank, get out of boat onto land, or attempt to recover downed game outside of the body of water". I can sit and float all day and pray that the duck I shoot lands in the water. If it hits land, I am screwed by someone, either trespass, wanton waste, failure to retrieve game. So it effectively keeps me from using the waterways that my ancestors used 30 years ago. Unless a major flood comes along and they get out of the banks, then it is a free for all.
  20. Not to mention all of the bitching on here about the Corps closing another ramp on a lake. The Corps of Engineers are Federal all the way. Maybe this bill would help that issue.
  21. As with all things, its a money issue I am guessing. Land owned by the Federal Government within the state is a money losing proposition. If the state owned the ONSR lands, the fees collected by the area would go to their coffers. Alot of money goes to DC that does not stay here. And, if they don't market the land properly, it does not draw tourism dollars that also fill coffers with sales tax money and jobs producing income tax. Of course, there is the control issue. They have no control over what the Feds do with the land inside their borders. They may have a voice, but no real control. It seems like all are assuming that the Federal Government is the good guy and the State Government is the bad guy in this issue. I would rather trust my local government which is more vested in my voice than the bunch of clowns in DC. For the most part, State Public Land in MO is far better managed than the Federal Lands. I have seen more Federal Land and access go away or be sold in my short 50+ years. Most of the Clark National Forest is in private or state hands now. Many Federal Places have struggled or run down. Facilities have been tore down in places where I used to camp and fish or closed all together. River accesses closed. Boat ramps gone. Lakes drained. Acres of Federal Land have been sold to private owners in the Lead Belt area. State facilities have improved and increased. We have more State Parks with improvements. There are more MDC lands than there were when I was young. That is the result of State Government.
  22. I think railways are federal. Maybe 30' wide. The rule may be because Missouri has showed interest in the past in taking over Federal lands and managing them better. I think the issue came up a few years ago on the Current River.
  23. Define Dog. My Tracker has a 50 on it and runs 35 at top end, plenty fast for me in a 17.5 boat. I like Tracker aluminum bass boats, but they have their quirks like all boats.
  24. This law is back to the states vs federal thing according to the poster in the link My state says I can go anywhere in the state on a navigable stream. But they waver on the navigable part in favor of the landowner, aka the "taxpayer" in most cases. The federal part never comes into play into a state court, so it seem. Back to Eldor vs Declour. http://law.justia.com/cases/missouri/supreme-court/1954/44247-0.html In the one I speak of, Dennig vs Graham, the navigable portion of the Greer Spring Branch was deemed private and the trespass law was upheld. Many moons ago. https://casetext.com/case/dennig-v-graham Other states laws that I fish are more restrictive, I cannot step out on private land without permission on a navigable stream. I respect that when needed and try to hold the peace when confronted. Maybe, with a new administration at the helm, we can lobby for a universal right to cover the whole United States. This would circumvent all of the "State Specific" BS and make it where we would not have to carry a lawyer on our back every time we go fishing..
  25. That "no trespassing" sign on the lower right of the poster looks like the one that hung on the cable blocking access to the Greer Spring branch all those years on Federal Property. I smell something fishy with this. I know of cases lost to landowners and certain state MDC officers enforcing stream access violations. Maybe Hoglaw could make a ruling on this.
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