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Everything posted by Seth

  1. That was a fun drive home. 😁
  2. Never hurts to have a little hot sauce for chili. So is the food thing pretty well figured out? Is there anything that still needs to be picked up for the weekend that got missed?
  3. Sounds like prime conditions for dragging crankbaits. I need to remember to throw them in the boat before I leave.
  4. Maybe I just don't bass fish enough these days during winter time to remember right. I know the trout and crappie sure do bite when it's nasty during the winter! I know I rarely go when it's nice and sunny out because the fishing blows compared to the crappy days for me not to mention you have to actually deal with other anglers.
  5. I've always done better in the winter for all species on the those nasty dreary days. If the snow is flying, I know it's going to be a killer day! 42* water has always been the magic number for me. Sub 40 is tough unless you're fishing spring water.
  6. Heck with all that noise. I just buy my stuff online and then save a digital copy.
  7. Sounds like it's just @JestersHK and I in my rig so we would have room for one more. Four is doable if everybody is able to stand while fishing and not require the use of a butt seat. My hull is an 1860 so plenty of standing room on the decks and the 150 Etec can push a pretty good load.
  8. As a MO resident, is the non-res trout permit and a non-res fishing license all I need to be legal for Jigfest?
  9. Seth

    Name Your Boat

    Same except I call mine "The Legend" 😄
  10. So is it just you and I then? If that's the case then we can fit one more in my rig.
  11. I'd be happy with a 20" brown bass too! Haven't landed one of those in several years that made that mark. Came really close last year, but fell just shy.
  12. If I am standing still, then it's definitely easier to fish the middle of a pool versus the riffle, but not so much when drifting in a boat. As long as the boat is moving at the same speed as the current, it doesn't really matter much. Throw at a 45 degree angle down stream and it's not much different than jigging dead water to me. I'd rather fish nose down when going with the current versus nose up unless I am trying to target eddies. I imagine I'm in for a bit of a learning curve on the White the way it sounds and I can't wait to get down there and try to figure things out.
  13. I’m after that 20” brownie that has been so elusive to me on Taney. It’s my turn to watch @JestersHK net my 20”+ brownie! 😁 The deal on Taney in heavy flow is fish eddies or be on the bottom. Shallow water should just make it easier to stay on the bottom, right?
  14. I found some old posts where guys were hammering big trout in 46k CFS from boats so I don't see why this would be a deal breaker. High water on Taneycomo usually means quality fishing for me so hopefully the White is the same.
  15. I'm bringing my rig, but I think @JestersHK and his buddy will be in with me.
  16. Is the White trashy when it is this high?
  17. Sounds like you have a lot of people in your life that need to be told to go fly a kite and pee off.
  18. I hate gut shots, but they do happen. As long as you recognize that you hit one in the guts, just back out and give it 12 hours. I'm 99.9% confident at finding gut shot deer AS LONG as they weren't pushed too soon.
  19. I love my Airstreams for casting jigs to 1/8oz and dock shooting with 1/32oz heads for crappie. They don't quite have enough power to shoot a 1/16oz jig as well as a good medium light.
  20. I can’t drop deer to save my life. On the doe, I shattered her scapula, ripped apart the lungs and she still ran 50 yards. Same deal with the buck. I was a touch below the spine on both deer though too. I’m shooting some .270 reloads pushing 130gr Swift Scirocco bullets at 3060-3080 fps. Love how they work on the deer I have taken with them. Worked well on a big cow elk last December as well.
  21. The deer gods finally showed some mercy on Thursday and Friday. I saw almost 20 and took a nice doe Thursday evening, saw nothing on Friday morning and then doubled up on deer with a buddy on Friday evening.
  22. Does an 1860 Legend SS vbass with a 150 jet count? It’s coming regardless of water level though. 😁
  23. Plenty of deer just nothing mature in the buck department. I’ve put two button heads and a doe in the freezer so far though between bow and gun. I’m still passing the 3.5 and younger bucks hoping for something better.
  24. Seth

    What's Cooking?

    You ever try the Famous Daves corn bread mix? I could eat that stuff till I am sick and I've never been a big fan of corn bread.
  25. No fishing but I will most likely be in a deer stand if I still haven’t tagged a buck yet.
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