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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. I do a lot of vertical fishing. I priced jigging raps and found this on the web. Anyone have experience or opinion about baits like this? https://barlowstackle.com/Do-It-Shad-Bait-Lure-Molds-P286/?sku=473392&gclid=Cj0KCQiAkMGcBhCSARIsAIW6d0B5IWMoxI9TT1vuTnw6kJIQsQoQAK1TvTJmzlGUiNt-zP9dqk0Ge5UaAvWzEALw_wcB
  2. A closet would not hold all of the different tanks involved with our system. You better get more info from wrench.
  3. It is that way in most sports when you have to pay to play.
  4. That seems reasonable to me. The one we put on the well at the farm was a lot more than that and the filters cost $200 per year.
  5. You always come up with something. Congrats.
  6. I imagine it will be open as long as Kelly owns Fred’s old business.
  7. Dutch


    I think that is very common in the animal world, including humans.
  8. Dutch


    My daughter has laying hens at the farm as a hobby and entertainment for the kids. They catch snails and feed them to the chickens. I don’t have any and don’t want any. My last contact with poultry was raising 25000 free range turkeys.
  9. Dutch


    I was having those same thoughts.
  10. That’s not the way I plan to use one. I will be vertical jigging away from the boat.
  11. Great cloudy cool morning trip. I noticed the other day that you are tougher than I am. I have started carrying an extra cap or so in the truck.
  12. What one do you have?
  13. I looked at the rods at Bass Pro. Most seemed to be noodles or long fairy wands. I called Eagle at Cotner’s Corner. They carry Mr. Giggles Outlaw in 12’. They seem to be a bit stiffer. I want a rod that can put a crappie in the live well without a net but not be heavy.
  14. So Marty, what you-all going to do with fifty wood bowls?
  15. I thought you said with your meds that alcohol was a no no.
  16. Weight is very important for me as I have had 4 surgeries on my right hand and not looking for number 5.
  17. The guy across the street has one. He gets wood from all over the world for projects. What I want is a saw mill.
  18. Sounds like a family friendly community.
  19. How is the weight? I don’t want a heavy rod.
  20. Is it the same place as last year?
  21. I got an update this morning. The hull blisters are repaired and filled. Gel coat has been applied. The final red will be put on the hull today. It should be ready for sanding Monday. It should be finished and returned to the service center for inspection later in the week. 🤞
  22. Glad you had a good outing Jeff. You got some nice fish there.
  23. For the in between I have a Bass Pro 100 MPH gortex set.
  24. University of Missouri Extension service has documentation on lots of stuff. They will send it to you for free. Give them call. https://www.google.com/search?q=university+of+mo+extension+sv+near+lebanon+mo&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS855US855&oq=university+of+mo+extension+sv+near+lebanon+mo&aqs=chrome..69i57.25975j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  25. I had an invite but my water heater shot craps and I couldn’t make it. Just wondering who was out there and some reports or pics.
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