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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Be careful of what you are asking. You might wind up with a forty year old former defensive tackle.🙃
  2. My daughter has been working in Guernsey WY. She is headed for Casper. She had to hire some guys to shovel her rent car out this morning.
  3. Just move to your lake home by yourself and you can have it your way.
  4. Looks like a lmb to me.
  5. Watch out for black bears.
  6. That’s not true. The second amendment was decades before the Civil War.
  7. Yes sir. I try to at least twice a week.
  8. Isn’t that called sleeping at your desk?
  9. My old job used to do that but my now nonjob puts them on my butt.
  10. I was doing some reading on another site and this was one of the topics. I had never given it any thought. The way people hold them was all over the place so I thought I might do a little survey here. For those of you who ever fish with a spinning setup, how do you place your fingers in relation to the reel?
  11. I saw 7 eagles there this morning but no osprey.
  12. Yes it is. Mine definitely don’t look like that. I’m pretty sure mine are tree rats.
  13. I saw one take after an osprey at Pomme de Terre and chase it out of sight. Then the eagle came back and soared around looking for lunch.
  14. I believe that you have a different varmint than I do.
  15. I heard about the green ash borer and what it might do to the ash trees so I had mine logged a couple of years ago.
  16. For some reaso these don’t have acorns on them. I’m thinking the squirrels cut the limbs then when they are on the ground they cut them again and abscond with the part that has acorns on it.
  17. Good going. That looks like my LC Stacie jerker.
  18. So is this the North Carolina instead of Louisiana trip?
  19. So you squirrel pros did a bug or tree rat do this?
  20. The little tree rats are hoping all over the yard. They are not digging holes and burying acorns. It actually appears that they are eating something. We have an abundance of katydids this year. Do they eat them?
  21. The first quarter bored me to tears. Someone let me know how this blood bath ends.
  22. Thanks Marty. That makes sense. I remember reading about caged rats that were only given soft food. The teeth growth was astounding and resulted in their demise du to brain injury.
  23. There are several gray squirrels in our neighborhood. They pass back and forth across our backyard all day long. There is a large black oak on the back property line. There is an abundance on acorns on the ground. For the last week or so I have noticed branch ends containing several leaves laying on the ground. I thought maybe wind was blowing them off until I picked one up and saw where it had been chewed off. I’ve never seen this phenomenon before. Any of you guys have knowledge about this topic?
  24. No eyes. They are accidents for me. I don't know how to fish for them.
  25. If he is still there, Brian Hayter is a good wrench. He did all of my Optimax work for the 14 years that I owned it.
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