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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Are you guys able to do a recording with your live view like you can with regular sonar?
  2. Ok so do you mind giving us a little tutorial for how you are using it?
  3. The problem is I don’t have a crappie game.
  4. All I see is Men’s Warehouse and I have not looked at a suit for many many years.
  5. I’ve been a proponent for that for several years but I don’t see it happening. I also think that sight fishing during the spawn should be a very serious infraction with dire consequences.
  6. If you like really large watermelons I had some 40# Charleston grays.
  7. I have been reading about it for a while. I really haven’t talked to anyone except a guy at Table Rock the other day. He has a Garmin and said he thought it would be good for crappie guys but not bass. He said it definitely wasn’t worth $2500. You guys who have that innovation, how do you use it and what do you think of it?
  8. I want to be able to slide my Ulterra backwards to keep it away from my bow roller when launching. The Shuttle Slide looks like it would do the trick. Are any of you guys using one?
  9. If they are snowed you might get Pat at Tri Lakes in Spokane to take a look.
  10. Call Kelly Power at Ulrich Marine in Branson West.
  11. I used to have about 5000 sq ft of garden but got tired and have severly cut back. I will only mention asparagus. My bed is 17 years old and gives us way more tha we can use and we eat it every day during season. When I put mine in I didn’t have a choice of sex. So I have a mixture of both. I would never buy female plants again. They produce red berry (seeds), birds eat them and wherever they poop you have an asparagus plant growing as well as hundreds of them sprouting all over the garden. Get male plants.
  12. I have decided to include the Cornfield Crappie mount.
  13. Hey you’re killing me.
  14. Bar bait=dead rodent
  15. I was on the water at 06:30 and headed down towards Piney. I fished several places with 1 dink on a Ned. I decided to run to the back of Piney and see if there was any action. I had another dink and a spot that was about an inch short. I switched to a shaky and couldn’t get a bite. I was seeing stuff below the boat in 25 fow so I pulled out a jig and fished parallel. I missed a couple, lost 1 and got 3 with the only greenie of the day being a keeper. Just before I quit I caught a short shaky fish so it was a 7 fish 1 keeper day. I need to change my handle to Dinkmeister.
  16. Some pics of it
  17. They didn’t show up until the second year. Carpet warranty is one year.
  18. Check your pm
  19. $500 local pick up.
  20. Voted before going to the lake. Didn’t arrive until 08:00. Hit places that produced last time O. Threw chatter, swimbait and Ned nada. Moved up to James above Flat caught 1 on shaky. Went above Martin Hollow and used shaky. The bite as from 10-11. I caught 11 all on shaky. 3 on 3 consecutive casts. Only 2 were keepers but that beats a sharp stick in the eye. The bite was gone by 11. I fished 2 more hours before I put out the fire and called the dogs.
  21. X2
  22. I just had my Nitro recarpeted because of die runs in the original carpet. It ran $1700 including a new pad for the front deck. It looks new again.
  23. We saw it yesterday on the road to Spokane and back. I’ve also been coughing for the last few days.
  24. Super trip Quill. I’m heading down to Cape Fair in the morning after I vote.
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