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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Also, catch a 6 pound smallmouth in an Ozark stream!
  2. Ditto
  3. Your OAF hat!
  4. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Every day
  5. I'm just heart sick over thinking about the poor brother that has to go through the rest of his life with this horrific memory. Poor young man.
  6. Sorry, I'm a visual person?
  7. Then Ned or someone else edited the script, not that it's a big deal
  8. Mitch f

    Jerk baits

    Very nice!
  9. Great job Brian! Wow warm water temps!
  10. Some of this talk is really good, but when you start saying that legalizing pot is one of the top five problems, or that income inequality is caused from climate change, that's where it gets a little crazy.
  11. IMHO, A knife usually indicates an argument, not a robbery. But you never know.
  12. Interesting that he put enough suspend dots on a jerkbait to produce a fall rate of 1-3 feet per second? That sounds faster than I've ever heard.
  13. There has been an MSD warning sign on a feeder creek to the Meramec off of Gravois for as long as I can remember.....doubt the water quality is much different now
  14. you're right!! Irlene was the dumb blonde
  15. Ha ha, but she was the token dumb blonde!
  16. That'll probably be the only time I'll be able to get a Table at Annie Gunns ?
  17. Nice! Is that your crappie jig Bo?
  18. I Feel The Bern!!!!
  19. Unless you want to quickly get out of Jury Duty?
  20. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Looks like fun indeed!
  21. Man I would go around with a 90 degree cone sonar and spend a few days discovering all those brush piles the good people put out for me before every tournament ?
  22. Hey Marty, Are you a clucker, or a double clucker?
  23. I think it's probably a good idea to downsize a little, especially when it's clear and cold.
  24. This is extremely close to my way of thinking, I would maybe swap 1 & 2...but that's only maybe.
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