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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. The Webster Wankers 😂😂 Great name for a subdivision 😂😂
  2. Everything creates an opportunity đŸ€© prepare for a text message
  3. This is a dumb question of course but I know nothing about outboard motors. Does Mercury or Yamaha even make 2 strokes anymore?
  4. I can bring a few burgers 🍔
  5. You got to adapt at some point! 😂😂
  6. Corn eyed trout
  7. About 25-30% higher now at least
  8. This new $3 trillion stimulus plan by the Democrats has so much pork in it that will make inflation worse
  9. Couple of pigeons for good measure
  10. I have have mixed feelings I guess. At least it’s being preserved.
  11. What’s the grand total so far @Quillback?
  12. Cheesecake from Costco for dessert
  13. Let me think on this
  14. They have no idea how lucky they were.
  15. I’ve always thought it was hilarious to name a fly after yourself
ie the “Dahlberg Diver”. I see Dahlberg makes Whopper Ploppers now, which actually makes him money. It’s easy to spend 30 minutes tying a masterpiece fly. I used to tie jigs quite a bit, I stopped because, with the possible exception of very cold water, they really don’t fish better than any other lure. But if you sitting in front of the fireplace in the winter with nothing else to do, go for it.
  16. I have another good idea for you to try the same rig with a slightly different weight. A weight that flows freely up and down. It’s called a free rig
  17. I don’t blame you
this is my biggest gripe about most EWG’s. The hook point is in line with the line tie and direction of pull with virtually no gap.
  18. I haven’t 😂
  19. If your getting hung up in rocks too much, just don’t let it sit too long. I learned the hard way for years doing this. Let it tick the bottom and keep your rod top at 11:00 and keep it moving. Don’t let it settle. If you can’t feel it then up the weight
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