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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. I have never used a wide gap Ned head. My .2 cents on weedguards: Most of them are useless and too wimpy. In other words they aren’t stiff enough to actually protect you against a snag. Have you ever tried to pull out a decent bass out of a live well that has his mouth clamped shut? You soon realize the power of a bass’s mouth and it makes you re-evaluate the wimp ness of most weedguards. The exception we’re Bo’s jigs, he had great weedguards. The catch 22 is you run the risk of a turn off to a fish if they are too big.
  2. Wa Wa Wa Waaaaaaaaaa
  3. Here’s a pic of Scott that I’ll brag on… Since he won’t
  4. I was just thinking about that this morning…they both are great in their own way. Superb lyrics
  5. One day near Salinas, Lord I let her slip away Lookin for that home I hope she finds I’d trade all my tomorrows for a single yesterday Holding Bobby’s body close to mine. Freedom’s just another word for Nothin left to lose Nothin ain’t worth nothin but it’s free
  6. Mitch f


    For some reason I just feel better after drinking fresh squeezed apple juice. I guess an apple a day keeps the doctor away?
  7. Mitch f


    That’s bizarre but looks delicious!!
  8. Mitch f


    I’m doing beet juice and apple too
  9. Mitch f


    My step daughter bought a high end juicer and has gone crazy with it. 😂
  10. Mitch f


    With a lot of pulp!
  11. Yep, he can go to a place where he doesn’t get called a racist by a weasel and can enjoy his remaining time on this earth before the promotion.
  12. Mitch f


    Love my fresh squeezed apple juice…. Love my Apple stock today too 😁🤩
  13. I put my 10 gauge Browning BPS on consignment up at Denny Dennis…it sold in 1 week.
  14. Most of the bigger spots I’ve caught were between Cooks Station and River Round.
  15. We will just have to agree to disagree
  16. So maybe you could call the wives of the pentagon bound plane passengers and talk with them
  17. Man, I’ve got to try that Teckel
  18. I pretty much agree with everything you’ve said but would like to put a large asterisk by this last sentence of yours… I’m blaming the division on the commies in our education system and media that are former hippies taught by the Karl Marx philosophy. They love to force people in different socioeconomic, ethnic and gender groups which creates a bunch of divided groups waring for power. You’re not an individual anymore, but part of some identity group. The leaders in the US (and world for that matter) of today remind me of the rich , woke hippie son that took over dads successful business he started from scratch and turned it into an unsuccessful mess.
  19. That’s soooooo cool! Way to go Scott!
  20. I went fishing that day on the Meramec with my friend Mark. We went into McDonalds to grab breakfast. They had a television in the upper corner of the dining area. People were crowded around the tv and it was right after the first plane hit. I asked a bystander what was going on…she said some guy accidentally ran a small plane into the Trade center. We later turned on the car radio and was listening when they announced the Pentagon was hit. I remember getting goosebumps on my arms.
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