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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Haven't noticed the backlash on Lew's....but I don't throw cranks as much as I used to.
  2. Boats....they cause a bunch of problems. Why don't they just always work?? Is that too much to ask??? ?
  3. It was a bad ending for him and 'Lige
  4. Suckers present, suckers not present...doesn't matter to some.
  5. For what ever reason my phone won't play the link.
  6. Very nice fish!!
  7. I caught 3 dinks on top today
  8. http://climate.missouri.edu/sigwxmo.php A look at history of Missouri weather. Interesting indeed.
  9. 3 XD is one of my favorites
  10. I thought that fish was caught last year on an A-Rig from Chicamauga. Maybe a new one
  11. That's a tank!
  12. I usually change out the hooks and keep the existing split rings. But I do change out the hooks on almost every lure....call me crazy, but it's about confidence.
  13. Exactly
  14. My thoughts exactly, I see no difference
  15. Since we're on this subject, what are you favorite replace split rings? I've always loved the Owner Hyper Wire.
  16. You've convinced me...I've gotta order some now!!
  17. Yes Bo, our buddy knows what he is taking about regarding this issue, but as we've been told by the "experts" is that this is purely anecdotal and lacks science. As far as the science, we all know it is good if they have enough sample data, which we all know they don't.
  18. Forgive me for the crude sketch, but I've never been a fan of the kind of split ring plier mechanism on the right. The one on the left seems to work better. The Texas Tackle ones are very good.
  19. Yep, I thought it was these also...Texas tackle
  20. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Reverse charades....I gotta try that
  21. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Little Audrey?? Impossible ?
  22. Welcome back, we need some good catfish gurus to help us.
  23. I noticed that Facebook is filled with the latest trend of "I Love Us" pics of husband and wife. Everyone please jump on the bandwagon! ?
  24. Same here, my parents both eventually died of cancer, although they were 88 and 90. There is definitely something wrong with our generation. If you look at the old pics of men in the 1930's thru 50's, they all wore suits in pics and seemed to be around 140-160 pounds. Today the average man is probably 175-180? Anyway, technology, automobiles, and the like have combined to make our lives easier and we are getting stagnant I guess.
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