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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. This article seems to be written by a rookie fisherman and is just a bunch of blathering. The guy probably had to write this story due to a deadline.
  2. I’ll put up with a few mean tweets to get good judges on the Supreme Court, safer cities, more secure border, and a better military
  3. I wasn’t coming back because you loved to drop F bombs in front of my kids. That’s why I never came back after you invited me back several times. I never brought 8 BTW
  4. You don’t live rent free in my head. The truth really hurts libs. ps. Cocktails are like breasts, one is not enough, two is perfect, three is too many…4 plus is Gavin 😂
  5. It’s hilarious that 20% of lunatics you mention are not on your side. What about the BLM crowd who have caused more than $350 million worth of damage over the years and they never got mentioned by you but a dude flying a flag with his truck at 80 miles an hour is somehow a threat to society.
  6. Being nice is great… But sometimes you got to stand up for what you believe. Being passive sometimes doesn’t cut it darling.
  7. I’m so glad you’re educated… Wow I feel enlightened just to say I know you
  8. My kid was told she can’t say that. how many kids do you have Nick?
  9. Thank you
  10. Not really, in my family there’s a kid raised in a church by devote Christian parents. They raised him right. The kids grew up as a boy and has decided that he’s trans. He’s just one of the many that this is happening to. My youngest daughter told her kindergarten teacher she liked going to church and believed in God. They told her she can’t discuss that at school because of school board rules. . But there is trans group in the high school we are in. Can you please explain this to me?
  11. You need to become a forum moderator.
  12. While I mostly agree with this, remember that schools nowadays have become way too woke and think it’s their responsibility to raise our children thru their own indoctrination. Remember Hillary’s book…”It takes a Village”?
  13. I’ve been very impressed with what I’ve seen from the Hover rig
  14. There is always a scientific study of all things heath wise and a new name is created for these new phenomenons. I get the importance of research but as with all things, just follow the money. Also, simple things like racism (which is a horrible thing) have turned into new jobs for college personnel like “Director of DEI (Diversity, Equity, inclusion) oh yea they get 300K per year and can’t get fired. And that’s only about 1/10th of the new jobs created. We have too much time on our hands because the USA has been resting in its Laurels for too long. I’m ashamed to say how far down America has become in the eyes of the world. But that’s what they want…a one world government ran by The Obama’s, Bill Gates, Silicone Valley, and the president of WHO. All about control
  15. This was our first day of practice before the tournament
  16. Erie, St.Clare, and Detroit river are full of Zebra mussels which are line killers…easy way to break off on a big fish
  17. I wouldn’t use 4 pound test
  18. That’ll work
  19. Might be able to go one day this week
  20. Hopefully you brought a bunch of fish home to eat!
  21. Kris Kristofferson is my favorite now, this guy too: https://youtu.be/LR-T2qTLF6o
  22. Happy to announce that I have new neighbors! They have an adorable little white poodle named Precious! He seems to have an affinity for sewing. Weird thing is he’s always asking me to move furniture? 🤷‍♂️ I think he loves gardening too because he’s always hauling around wheelbarrows full of dirt!
  23. Sounds weird but I think the invasion of Zebra mussels actually cleaned that water up.
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