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2 minutes ago, David Unnerstall said:

Ok so she said Hillary lied about the video (at least we now have established somebody is lying).  But she is implying that caused the killings.

How can I get through my Honey Do list??

Do you think that an attack on an American Embassy on the Anniversary of 9-11 was a spontaneous attack because of a video? I wouldn't think so. Then they were given the orders to stand down and denied military support. That's what caused the deaths. Obama has Susan Rice appear on the talk shows doing the spin job from hell.

"Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor

22 minutes ago, SpoonDog said:

Presbyterians.  Anglicans.  Quakers.  Episcopalians.  Disciples of Christ.  How can that possibly be the case when not all Christian denominations believe homosexuality is a sin, Mitch?

Growing up Catholic, I never saw a hot dog cart wheel itself into Church and ask for Communion because a hot dog stand is an inanimate object without the capacity to have religious beliefs.  A Baker can have religious beliefs, a Baker(y) can't. 

From what I remember, neither Jesus Christ nor the early church was all that jonesed about religious persecution...right?

Here's the study I assume you're talking about, stating 80% of Muslims in Egypt and Pakistan believe what you're saying.  It is as stupid and asinine to extrapolate those stats across the entire Muslim world as it is to say "most Christians believe in the death penalty for homosexuality" because most Christians in Uganda feel that way.  If the numbers tell us anything, it's that Islam isn't monolithic.


So we are to automatically assume all immigrants are coming from peaceful Muslim countries? please use common sense. In the name of faux compassion you are putting the US at a high risk for potential terrorists. All he is asking for is a waiting period.... Geez

"Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor

1 hour ago, David Unnerstall said:

Quillback, We all WANT to believe it is the Democrats who have spent us into debt but the numbers don't support it.  Deficit spending started with Reagan and Bush One, Clinton reduced deficit spending with Bush Two it went up and has been going down the last seven and a half years.  Sixty seconds on the Google will prove this.

I agree with you that past administrations, GOP and Dem have contributed to the debt.  But, Hillary's policies will do nothing to reduce that debt.  Neither will Trump.  from a historical standpoint, the biggest yearly deficits have occurred under the Obama administration.  Google deficit by year.

That being said, I really don't care that much about past history, I want a candidate that will meaningfully address spending.  I ain't seeing it from either of our candidates.

42 minutes ago, Chief Grey Bear said:

Nothing from me. 

Just enjoyed reading this. 

You have shown remarkable constraint, quite impressive?

"Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor

1 hour ago, David Unnerstall said:

Jerry, this is fun to believe and even more fun to say out loud but that can be said about any group.

would you eat some of them M&M's?  You had no control over how they got there. But we do have a means of control over who resides in this great country.  I am all for immigration if done properly.  Heck, why do we have a Statue of Liberty?  But to let people into the USA at random is just a recipe for disaster, just like eating from a bowl of tainted M&M's.  It is just common sense.  And to take this deeper into Phil's no zone,  how many of the people coming in without proper screening will vote for more free stuff.  I am done with this thread, common sense as I was taught is sadly being lost.

  • Root Admin

Glad this topic thread has run its course...  thanks for keeping it civil. 

I'm lockin' it up.

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