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IMG_3964.PNGIMG_3965.PNGGreat time fishing this weekend The bite is great. Morning is the best but they will bite most of the day. Some are still shallow and some are deeper but not that deep. I think most of the LM are still less than 15 ft. Had a great weekend with my brother. We caught LM, SM, K's, whites, and 2 big walleye. We fished Dam to Kimberling. Water temp 82-84. Big girl weighed 6.43. Dad caught a minter white that weighed 3.48 the weekend before. IMG_3966.PNGIMG_3971.PNG


Very cool, thanks for the post.


Great LM & giant white!  Nice. 

"Water is the driving force of all Nature."  -Leonardo da Vinci

Doesn't look like you have any welts or puncture wounds.  Must not have fished my dock this trip.

Nice fish Alex. You truly are a Hog Snatcher.


Alex, nice report and pictures. Thanks for the information. You guys sure get after the big ones. 


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