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2 minutes ago, duckydoty said:

It’s gps based so it does work as long as a satellite or two can be linked. No phone service where I hunt and she can pretty much see which tree I’m in.

        Good deal and thanks. I will look into this. I know there is fear of big brother watching but if you are not doing anything wrong you have nothing to fear at this time. If it ever gets to where I think I need to worry about being watched I will put on my tinfoil hat and ditch the phone :wacko:


"We have met the enemy and it is us",


   If you compete with your fellow anglers, you become their competitor, If you help them you become their friend"

Lefty Kreh

    " Never display your knowledge, you only share it"

Lefty Kreh

         "Eat more bass and there will be more room for walleye to grow!"


    " One thing in life is for sure. If you are careful you can straddle the barbed wire fence but make one mistake and you will be hurting"


  P.S. "May your fences be short or hope you have long legs"


2 minutes ago, BilletHead said:

I know there is fear of big brother watching

If big brother has time to be concerned about where I am and what I'm doing then the country is in really good shape. 

3 hours ago, duckydoty said:

My wife also tracks me with the phone gps and no, it’s not like a stalker kind of thing.  It is in case of an emergency or a situation like this thread discusses.  It has come in handy more than once!  I was navigating through the woods by google maps to get to a turkey hunting spot last spring in the early dark hours of the morning and happened to drop my phone by accident in between spot location checks.  I walked around for hours looking for it with no luck. Went home and borrowed the wife’s phone.  Pulled up the app and walked right up to it.  Hope that is the worst situation we ever have to use it for.

What is the name of the app 

1 minute ago, snagged in outlet 3 said:

What is the name of the app 

If you want something like that then check out Viewranger.  That's the one we use when mountain biking so we can keep track of each other.   Works awesome and actually has lots of good uses.

3 minutes ago, snagged in outlet 3 said:

For bikes we use Strava 

Looks similar.  I like being able to switch between map choices while maintaining the tracking.   Often we'll come across old abandoned roads and Viewranger allows you to scroll through map layouts and figure out what the road is and where it leads.  Also has gradient maps that are awesome for choosing the best route in or out of an area.  Shows Powerline clearings and all kinds of stuff.    


I have told my wife for years where I will be but only twice I have messed up so she really don't pay attention.

She really should because I get lost anymore or I get too cold and can't walk.


On 12/17/2017 at 6:59 AM, BilletHead said:

               Yes I second and third so on and so on like this thread,

    We have loved ones who are concerned about us. Like some that have responded here I go out alone. Tell Mrs. BilletHead where I am going and ETA coming back. If I move locations I let her know also. I have spotty service in some places and when I get out of some holes I have a series of texts and voice mails to go through like how are things going, are you OK and on and on. This is what I call true love fellows. I am not hen pecked I am lucky and I know it. She teases me she needs to know where to find my carcass for proof of death :) .  She asks me to wear my PFD especially while running. Trouble can come fast and in the blink of an eye. I tend to not be so stable on my feet anymore but act like I am. 


  I share this with you backing up my thoughts on the bald headed woman. You see 12 years ago we had a reset in out life and the bald head was a result of this situation . I thank you for the post as it got me to looking for this photo. I realize how lucky and blessed I am, 


     Her hair is back but mine is still kept shaved off. I was this way before she was temporary and I tease her she just wanted to see what it was like to have the perfect head. I think she rocked it better and I have the Klingon ridge going on. Thanks bkbying89. I need to revisit this picture more often. I thank my lucky stars daily for what I have,


I am glad your better-half came through the ordeal of cancer. I am also glad you have the right outlook on keeping her informed as I do my wife on your whereabouts. You're a lucky man, and she is a lucky woman. I, on the other hand, do not have to shave my head to be that good looking.

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