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On ‎12‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 3:54 PM, tjm said:

The corn casters tell me that it's hard to distinguish between browns and rainbows. 

Maybe after you pull them out of the freezer:unsure:. Not a problem when they are alive.


I had a guy come on our annual camping trip to the Norfork tailwater all while back.  We always have a fish fry Friday night.  I walk up to the campsite and see a stringer of small browns and I say " What idiot kept all the browns?"  The guy starts to argue with me that they are rainbows.  I laughed and said let's take them over to Gene's and let the guy at the dock decide.  We walk up and the dock guy says "What idiot kept all the browns?" 😂

14 hours ago, Flysmallie said:

They are liars. 

Isn't that redundant? 

13 hours ago, Johnsfolly said:

Maybe after you pull them out of the freezer:unsure:. Not a problem when they are alive.

Ya gotta admit they both got spots and they both got them adipose fins ( that's how you know they ain't bass) neither has whiskers (how you know they ain't bullheads) neither one is in a can so you know they ain't salmon or tuna- They look more alike than y'all make out.


I don't care where in this state you go, if it is a white ribbon stream people are going to take more than they should. I have seen this so many times in different areas of the state it isn't even funny. Same with the browns rules. Doesn't matter, people are going to take what they think they can get away with. Sad, but true. Goes true with smallies as well.

"you can always beat the keeper, but you can never beat the post"

There are only three things in life that are certain : death, taxes, and the wind blowing at Capps Creek!

42 minutes ago, ollie said:

I don't care where in this state you go, if it is a white ribbon stream people are going to take more than they should. I have seen this so many times in different areas of the state it isn't even funny. Same with the browns rules. Doesn't matter, people are going to take what they think they can get away with. Sad, but true. Goes true with smallies as well.

Is this just a stream thing or is this a whole fishing mentality thing? Is it just noticed on the stream because you can't look in every boats live well as they go by?

If I were a game warden, I would think streams and specifically the major trout parks would be the absolute easiest to patrol. It just seems like they aren't however. 


I personally think that it is a common mindset throughout the fishing community. Many folks do not value these resources and thus don't see it as being wrong to take more than the regs allow or ones outside of reg limits. 

1 hour ago, Johnsfolly said:

Many folks do not value these resources and thus don't see it as being wrong to take more than the regs allow or ones outside of reg limits. 


Yep. They just don't care. I saw a guy get busted on the James for short fish. We ran into him a little later in the day and he knew it was wrong but did it anyway. He said he rarely gets caught. He was more upset that they had taken his new pipe. He's still out there somewhere killing short fish.




1 hour ago, Johnsfolly said:

I personally think that it is a common mindset throughout the fishing community. Many folks do not value these resources and thus don't see it as being wrong to take more than the regs allow or ones outside of reg limits. 

yep, agree that is common with the whole fishing community.  But, people in general think they are more entitled/deserving than others and rules don't apply to them personally.

The sorting/culling thing is just another aspect of poaching.  easily justified if you are a special type; If it's ok in a tourney, then it's ok for anyone with a live well, so that makes it ok for the stream (fish can stay alive for quite a while in the stream water), there is a stream in the park so that justifies culling trout. If you've ever spent a whole day in a trout park and not seen someone culling the third fish, you just weren't looking.  MoCarp goes on about the wasted rough fish that archers and gig fishers leave by the landing. Tales you've heard about leading the guts of fish at weigh ins or the special ruler used in photos as proof of length. This is not a new thing, think about the the common saying pertaining to a big lie or tall story- most people say "that sounds like a fish  story"  meaning indirectly that fisherman are all liars, or that enough are that we can condemn the rest by association.   Lying, cheating and theft often go hand in hand. Poaching is theft of game.

I also see the guys that are serious about catch and release that somehow don't  get it that fish can't  breath air while they fumble with net and rod and camera. Maybe they don't know how long all that takes. I saw this on a New Zealand site


How long should you hold a fish out of the water? A fish has no lungs - the moment it comes out of the water it stops 'breathing". You should allow only at the most 5 seconds when holding a fish out of the water.

New research indicates that after landing a fish, holding a fish out of the water for 30 seconds reduces the chances of survival by 30%, and 60 seconds out of the water reduces survival by 70%.
Tony Bishop

Five seconds is pretty short time. He didn't reference the studies, but that fits with what I see.  Generally if I net a fish or take it in hand, it will get a ride in my truck I try to keep them in water if releasing, if at all possible.

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