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2 hours ago, N9BOW said:


  • Perfect alignment to the 4 point of the compass.. .06 off in alignment (3 arc min) 


3 arc minutes = .01” per foot= about 10” in 300 yards. I could do better with a tight string. 😊

"Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor


See Snopes...


9 minutes ago, ness said:

See Snopes...

he in fact does not argue the location, he makes an argument that any number of coordinates run through the pyramid (wow home run right there) all while espousing the same talking point Egyptologist's say about the pyramid and its builders buy offering up a cubits notion..."If" The Pyramid is way more ancient then academia is willing to admin too (hurt too many feelings) then all of his postulating is out the window.

But hey....Its my conspiracy and I'm sticking with it.. 
I just appreciate discussing the topic. It is very intriguing.

And @mitch f I think the problem with that reasoning might be that the measurement is to true north.... (a bit further than 300 yds...tough to pull a string to that point in the sky). 

As an astronomical alignment it is significant... especially even if we stick with the text book date of construction of the Pyramid.

34 minutes ago, top_dollar said:

This pretty much sums up the entire republican platform for the last several years.

This is exactly the Democratic Party since Trump beat Hillary. 

"Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor

8 hours ago, Johnsfolly said:

I really don't buy into alien influence and advanced mathematics being used in ancient buildings, etc. I believe that with unlimited resources, i.e., slave labor, and time that even without mathematics and only by trial an error, most of those items can be recreated. I recall the discussion of an irrigation system built by mesoamericans that was touted to have the perfect pitch to be able to flood the entire system and that they were able to construct that system without higher mathematics. Then you read that they were in that location for 900 years. isn't it more likely that as they expanded their irrigation system that they would have been able to improve it just by sight and trial and error. Seems more likely to me.

The pyramids are a different story, but could still be based upon trial and error since there are lots of older pyramids that are smaller that the ones in Giza. Couldn't those have served as a working model that could be expanded upon? Even a child can make a square by eye and then build upon that base.


Did you click the link? 

Those numbers are quite impressive for the time period.jmo

Thanks for your input!




Isn't there a pyramid in Memphis?  

We've figured out better ways to build things, that's why we don't duplicate what they did.  Heck, you'd be hard pressed to get a building permit for a giant stone pyramid these days.

15 hours ago, fishinwrench said:

Do you think there's any reason to believe that what we think of "aliens" is accurate at all?  

Couldn't they just be here among us, but be so small that we don't see them? Intelligent life forms exist that we simply cannot monitor.  We only sometimes are effected by the results of them.  

We ignorantly assume that aliens weigh 90-150lbs. and that their transportation devices (if they even require them) are about the same size as ours. But couldn't it be possible that their "craft" (if they even need a craft) is the size of a speck of pollen, or even smaller?  And we just exist on a completely different scale?

We are unable to communicate with dust mites, but if we could it's possible that they could teach us alot.

Small, tiny ,micro sure why not! Thanks for asking!

Also since our eyes can only see a specific range of colors and light ,I'm sure there are things that exist that we cannot even see. that exist in other color spectrums and light intensities.


11 hours ago, Jerry Rapp said:

speaking of the pyramids, they were built by slaves, so by liberal logic, they should be torn down.  The liberal society is full of hypocritical thoughts and ideas, that it is amazing that 50% of the voters support liberals. 

Lol , who said anything about pyramids and politics, oh you did 

Don't ever quote me about politics please, thanks. Can't stand the subject.  I'll just ignore that 😉


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