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Tiger trout


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it would be cool to see a huge one in full colors....I would love to se Taney get some with a 20” restriction, they are supposed to be more predators of fish

MONKEYS? what monkeys?

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I like the idea that AGFC is trying them. With there brook trout stocking program it is likely they could happen anyway as it happens in nature. To me it's just another triploid trout and I'm all in for more triploid trout to be stocked in MO waters. I can't understand why MDC hasn't stocked triploid browns since 2015 or why they don't stock triploid rainbows. The frankenfish debate will always be with us for more than a few reasons, records being one or because the hatchery created them but triploid's can and do happen in the wild. I do liked the idea that when the brown triploid's where released, MDC marked them for easier ID and think that should continue if they ever start the triploid stocking program again. Tiger trout in MO? My vote would be yes with no hesitation, But I like the look😉

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