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Was just reading about the Underground Railroad.

Years ago had an older Black woman tell me the Underground Railroad was a joke.  People just didn’t want to go that far North where it was so cold and there was still slaves in the North.

Springfield for a long time was considered one of the Whitest Cities in the US and one of the most Crime Free. Things have changed. I was just watching the News they was going on about how the city has always been so inclusive.

I was married to a Native American being a minority I was surprised how racist they were.

Go to a Family Reunion the people there are like the country. There is several Blacks because they took our family name when they was Freed.

The older folks say that is just the way it was. The younger ones first off just soon not be there and believe I owe them.


1 hour ago, oneshot said:

Was just reading about the Underground Railroad.

Years ago had an older Black woman tell me the Underground Railroad was a joke.  People just didn’t want to go that far North where it was so cold and there was still slaves in the North.

Springfield for a long time was considered one of the Whitest Cities in the US and one of the most Crime Free. Things have changed. I was just watching the News they was going on about how the city has always been so inclusive.

I was married to a Native American being a minority I was surprised how racist they were.

Go to a Family Reunion the people there are like the country. There is several Blacks because they took our family name when they was Freed.

The older folks say that is just the way it was. The younger ones first off just soon not be there and believe I owe them.


Somewhere, deep in the midst of all those sentence fragments and incomplete thoughts, . . . . . there is a point, trying so hard to get out, like an imaginary subterranean railroad, trying to reach the surface and break through the crust.  

Anyone have any idea what that point is?  🤣🤣🤣

51 minutes ago, ColdWaterFshr said:


Anyone have any idea what that point is?  🤣🤣🤣

Struggling to be a relevant attention Whoer?

Chief Grey Bear

Living is dangerous to your health

Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions

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Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors

1 hour ago, ColdWaterFshr said:

Somewhere, deep in the midst of all those sentence fragments and incomplete thoughts, . . . . . there is a point, trying so hard to get out, like an imaginary subterranean railroad, trying to reach the surface and break through the crust.  

Anyone have any idea what that point is?  🤣🤣🤣

You just gave him what he wants.  And actually so did I.  


Just letting my thoughts out and didn’t expect some to understand.

Life goes on!

On road trip to southern Missouri. Looking at hills. I’m told I can’t walk level ground how am I going to deal with hills?


1 hour ago, oneshot said:

Just letting my thoughts out and didn’t expect some to understand.

Life goes on!

On road trip to southern Missouri. Looking at hills. I’m told I can’t walk level ground how am I going to deal with hills?


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