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Ok, didn't get to the hot springs. 😐It just wasn't in the cards. Trip out was a b#^$^h and that is an understatement. Was making really good time until we went past Hays and started to go into Colorado. Huge wind gust or at least to me. Probably 30 mph or more all the time. Was strong enough to see one truck on its side an another almost bite the dust twice. Picking up dust and anything in the way. Like a sand storm on tv, but just different. My poor Subaru was screaming and whining all the way. Thought it was going to blow the motor the way it was revving up so much. Got to the tunnel at the top on the mountain and it wasn't great either. Snowing and wind still blowing like crazy. Everyone going down back west over the pass were going no faster than 30 on average. Let's just say the drive out sucked! Stayed in Glenwood springs and the rooms were fine. Ate some good food and some that wasn't so good! lol Fished 2 and 1/2 days ;with breaks here and there and did alright. Frying Pan was a washout. Got there and the water levels were really low with not very many places to fish. With recent snow getting down to the bank was a challenge in some places. When we went up the road to the dam it was snow packed and not many people had been on it. I have never been fishing or trying to fish in that kind of weather before. We got out of the car and got ready and by the time we stepped out to start walking to the bank the wind was howling and snow was pelting us like needles had we not had coats on. We went back downstream like a couple miles and then everything was fine. No fish there for either of us. Went back towards the town and stopped at another place where I landed my first Colorado Brown! Only one that day but I got the skunk off! Woke up and got some grub  then headed to the local fly shop. Asked for some public access tips and they paid off. Went to a couple of spots right in town, but didn't do well, After the low water and wind at the pan we decided to hit the roaring fork closer to where we were staying. Thanks for the tip from the shop we did well on the fishing part of the trip. Biggest was my neighbor's 17" brown, I taped one out 16 1/2 brown as well and landed a bow that was 16". We both caught several fish in the 2+ days we fished. Nothing bigger than that 17" but many caught in the 14-16" range. Nice wild trout. Jigs, cranks, and I think my neighbor caught one on a rooster tail.

"you can always beat the keeper, but you can never beat the post"

There are only three things in life that are certain : death, taxes, and the wind blowing at Capps Creek!

9 hours ago, ollie said:

Ok, didn't get to the hot springs. 😐It just wasn't in the cards. Trip out was a b#^$^h and that is an understatement. Was making really good time until we went past Hays and started to go into Colorado. Huge wind gust or at least to me. Probably 30 mph or more all the time. Was strong enough to see one truck on its side an another almost bite the dust twice. Picking up dust and anything in the way. Like a sand storm on tv, but just different. My poor Subaru was screaming and whining all the way. Thought it was going to blow the motor the way it was revving up so much. Got to the tunnel at the top on the mountain and it wasn't great either. Snowing and wind still blowing like crazy. Everyone going down back west over the pass were going no faster than 30 on average. Let's just say the drive out sucked! Stayed in Glenwood springs and the rooms were fine. Ate some good food and some that wasn't so good! lol Fished 2 and 1/2 days ;with breaks here and there and did alright. Frying Pan was a washout. Got there and the water levels were really low with not very many places to fish. With recent snow getting down to the bank was a challenge in some places. When we went up the road to the dam it was snow packed and not many people had been on it. I have never been fishing or trying to fish in that kind of weather before. We got out of the car and got ready and by the time we stepped out to start walking to the bank the wind was howling and snow was pelting us like needles had we not had coats on. We went back downstream like a couple miles and then everything was fine. No fish there for either of us. Went back towards the town and stopped at another place where I landed my first Colorado Brown! Only one that day but I got the skunk off! Woke up and got some grub  then headed to the local fly shop. Asked for some public access tips and they paid off. Went to a couple of spots right in town, but didn't do well, After the low water and wind at the pan we decided to hit the roaring fork closer to where we were staying. Thanks for the tip from the shop we did well on the fishing part of the trip. Biggest was my neighbor's 17" brown, I taped one out 16 1/2 brown as well and landed a bow that was 16". We both caught several fish in the 2+ days we fished. Nothing bigger than that 17" but many caught in the 14-16" range. Nice wild trout. Jigs, cranks, and I think my neighbor caught one on a rooster tail.

It’s tough out there in the winter.   Was the Colorado low?    I thinks it’s largely overlooked as a place to wade.  Even though there is plenty of access.  


Colorado wasn't that low, but we found plenty of fish on the Roaring Fork! That and my buddy said he thought the river stunk! lol I'll try to post some pics tonight after work.

"you can always beat the keeper, but you can never beat the post"

There are only three things in life that are certain : death, taxes, and the wind blowing at Capps Creek!


I didn't smell it as bad, but my neighbor thought it was the river. I think it was something else, but how knows?

"you can always beat the keeper, but you can never beat the post"

There are only three things in life that are certain : death, taxes, and the wind blowing at Capps Creek!


Fishing out there in prime conditions can be tough,  you guys are troopers for sure.   Glad you were able to find some.  It's not the size but the adventure they say.  Def some good memories i hope were made. 

It's beautiful country for sure. Thanks for sharing. 

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