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Gosh darn biologists catching giant sturgeon on taxpayer dollars😅! I would love to catch a white sturgeon even a tenth of the size of these fish! Bucket list fishing.


  • 2 weeks later...

I have not caught or seen one in person.   Inwoukd be similar to your situation of not knowing what to do, or how to handle it.  Lucky for the current times, I have seen a few YouTube videos and understand that there are not many dangers, such as teeth, extreme razor sharp fins, etc.  

Money is just ink and paper, worthless until it switches hands, and worthless again until the next transaction. (me)

I am the master of my unspoken words, and the slave to those that should have remained unsaid. (unknown)


Used to catch them in the Columbia river, both white and green sturgeon.  Anchor up facing into the current, and fish bait on the bottom off the back of the boat, fresh smelt, if you could get them, were the best bait.  On an average day, you'd get 30-40 of them, but these were not the 8 foot monsters, most of them were 24-36" long.  They had a slot limit, you could keep 2 a day that were 42-48" in length.  I kept one once, but not at all impressed with the taste, even smoked it and it just wasn't that good.

Those Snake river fish are caught over and over, they aren't too bright.  It is all catch and release and they are a tough fish and can handle the repeated catching.  Supposedly the guides have named individual fish that they have caught multiple times.  Never did go to the Snake and try it, but maybe someday I'll make a trip out there to fish for them.  I know people that have caught them, and those fish will flat out wear you out, one of those deals where once you catch one, you lose the desire to catch another.

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