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dan hufferd
dan hufferd

Tough Crappie Wednesday

Well teaching myself how to catch winter crappie is going slow. 

I did find some nice brush piles. Then it all came together, I thought all right I have found them!

This feeling of joy lasted for 2 fish in 35 feet of water, then nothing.

I did find that if a person throws something that swims up on the bank you catch as many sub-legal bass as you want.

It's a good life !




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4 minutes ago, Johnsfolly said:

Dan congrats on the two nice crappie! Always fun to catch fish whether they are shorts or not. Glad to see you getting out on the water.

Thanks buddy. I have a lot to learn.

I have always wanted to learn how to catch crappie like this. I feel like I am almost there, but I am missing something.

Maybe it pick up when the water cools a bit more. 55 degrees today.

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35 minutes ago, dan hufferd said:

I feel like I am almost there, but I am missing something.

I'm sure that you will get there buddy! Who knows, maybe someone we know will try to catch a crappie in Stockton for 12 consecutive months :rolleyes:

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 Speaking of 12 ( consecutive months that is...........) I sure wish the MDC would have began raising the length to 12" back about 5 years ago. Stockton is quite capable of producing this size of Crappie. If this had been done I believe we would have a "Crappie Fisherman's Dream" at this lake by now.

Don't get me wrong............... there are other lakes that could do the same.......

For some years I have been reading about length limits on other lakes. Even lakes that require you to take each Crappie you catch during the winter months. Very interesting stuff.


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7 minutes ago, Walcrabass said:


 Speaking of 12 ( consecutive months that is...........) I sure wish the MDC would have began raising the length to 12" back about 5 years ago. Stockton is quite capable of producing this size of Crappie. If this had been done I believe we would have a "Crappie Fisherman's Dream" at this lake by now.


My understanding is that Crappie populations are a lot harder to magnate than bass. As much as 50% of the population is lost to natural reasons (non fisherman) each year. 

They just seem to be a fish that are going to boom and bust depending on a lot of variables, but success of the spawn and then good conditions for the fry making to adult fish are key.

I never keep a fish under 10 inches and prefer not to keep any over 13 inches with those 12 inches being about perfect. I love catching any Crappie though and it's awesome seeing those big slabs come to the surface.

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11 hours ago, dan hufferd said:

Thanks buddy. I have a lot to learn.

I have always wanted to learn how to catch crappie like this. I feel like I am almost there, but I am missing something.

Maybe it pick up when the water cools a bit more. 55 degrees today.

Yeah Dan you may be right about colder weather crappie. We were at Stockton last year about a week before Christmas and caught two limits a couple times. The air temp was around  freezing though. Maybe better fishing is on the horizon. 

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2 hours ago, Walcrabass said:



 Speaking of 12 ( consecutive months that is...........) I sure wish the MDC would have began raising the length to 12" back about 5 years ago. Stockton is quite capable of producing this size of Crappie. If this had been done I believe we would have a "Crappie Fisherman's Dream" at this lake by now.

Don't get me wrong............... there are other lakes that could do the same.......

For some years I have been reading about length limits on other lakes. Even lakes that require you to take each Crappie you catch during the winter months. Very interesting stuff.


I don't think I will try it. Once I got started I would not be able to stop until the goal was met or something bad happened.

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Some guy caught an 11 lb walleye on Truman yesterday while crappie fishing. The report said that the baitfish are loading up on the face of bluffs and the crappie are just gorging themselves. I dont know if that happens or not at Stockton? Report said jigs and minnows but you being the "spoon man" Dan that may be the ticket!!

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