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Quick Trip to Big M- day after thanksgiving

Not much to report unfortunately.  I am trying to figure out how to catch fish deep so I stayed comitted to trying it with zero to show for it.  On the water at 7.  Off at 11.  WT 52-54.  Hit the main point at Viney and marked fish- also marked a mother load of shad halfway back in Viney.  Stuck with spoons, a jig, and a swimmer with no luck.  Figuring out how to stay on the fish we were marking was a real battle.  BUT it was my first time out with the new Lowrance Hook2 splitshot and I couldn’t be happier with it. In lieu of grip and grins- please see attached sonar images.   No fish but fun day trying to learn something new and using the new electronics.  

If I remember correctly- I think this is the hump right by the boat ramp at BigM-.



Halfway back in Viney- middle of the channel




Main point of Viney- fish suspended over 52 ft


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Bo, that is the only fish I saw in the pic's also.  Son and I went out for 3 hrs. TG morning and had 18, all keeps, dragging the big jig deep. 

He was the photographer and from what you see you know how he did.   Only took 2 pictures and no screen shots but he messed that up, 

 Tons of shad in Long Creek but the bass are not relating to them.   Mostly on the bottom Thursday and quite a bit deeper in the 54 ft. range.  We caught some on a Ice jig and spoon also, but they are really liking the same big Pig Sticker jig with the Big Nicholes Craw I was fishing this Fall.


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I’ve spoken to Bo about this before....I’m puzzled why I haven’t seen many bigger smallmouth taken out of Table Rock over the last ten years. Has something happened to the fishery in your opinions? You would think a 6 pounder would get weighed in with all of these tournaments all year long. I guess the lake ain’t what it used to be and we are living the new normal? 

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1 hour ago, Mitch f said:

I’ve spoken to Bo about this before....I’m puzzled why I haven’t seen many bigger smallmouth taken out of Table Rock over the last ten years. Has something happened to the fishery in your opinions? You would think a 6 pounder would get weighed in with all of these tournaments all year long. I guess the lake ain’t what it used to be and we are living the new normal? 

I think about that myself, only thing I can think of is genetics.  We have those long, muscular smallmouth compared to those fat football smallmouth they have up north where 5-6 lb. fish are more common than down here.  You'd think we'd have longer growing season than those northern lakes that get ice bound every year for months, so you'd think our fish should get bigger, but they don't.

Or maybe there' more groceries in the northern lakes, and those groceries are easier for the fish to catch. so they eat more.  

Wish 6 lbers were more common here, but I get a kick out of catching the ones we have.

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