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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Ham

    Line Size?

    Or maybe straight fluro on spinning is just a freaking disaster
  2. Ham

    Line Size?

    I take a certain pride in being called a stupid head by Champ. I’ve got everything from 4 lb to 20 lb in mono/copoly/fluro. I’ve got 40lb and 65 lb braid. TBH, I’ve not on TR very often. I prefer Cinderella Lake that is a little to the south and east. Depends on where and what I’m fishing. You’ll be fine with 12-15 lb for you Bait casters. You need a spinning rod with 6 or 8 lb line.
  3. I’ve had a little success with Drunkers lately.
  4. ??? I’m gonna guess that there is a wire crossed somewhere.
  5. Those should work
  6. Y’all are not helping my feelings
  7. darn, an actual Buffalo Fish. How did you manage that?
  8. Dirty water and big boy baits. Zero fish on spinning. Zero fish in more than 10 FOW
  9. Yes we can. Glad to hear your Dad is doing better. I hope y’all catch a bunch this year.
  10. It’s cool jackman. I don’t see why anyone would be bummed by your questions. You didn’t know what was up, so you asked. No worries.
  11. Their situation is still ongoing. Dave is putting family first and is on an extended fishing hiatus. He’s a better man than me. He’s much less bitter and despondent about it than I would be. I like his heads better than any others on the market, but there are acceptable options on the market if you get in a tight. When you a chance, but the Ned heads from Dave by the 100. They last longer that way.
  12. Bull Shoals is going to be stupid good whenever it gets up to 60 degrees. We stumbled into a pile of quality fish this weekend. We caught 24 bass. Only had 3 or 4 that would not have kept. All were C&R.
  13. I think I have lost one bladed Jig Bait ever and that was a non Chatterbait with a split rig connectivity set up and the split ring failed. i need about 2 more chatterbaits and I’m going to call myself set for the foreseeable future. Holding off buying much of anything for a little while though. I’m looking to see if LBF or TW have tax day sales.
  14. IMH, It’s not a great open water option. I do enjoy fishing it around flooded brush when the opportunity presents itself. I like the Project Z Chatterbaits.
  15. I haven’t thrown mine yet. I’ll let you know something about 4/20.
  16. Don’t encourage him.
  17. Post all your stuff in the TR forum. You’ll catch up quickly.
  18. I know what I would nick name that lake. 😈
  19. That sounds like a ramp I’d like to avoid.
  20. I struggled to image that application, but I can see where folks would want a custom length shaft for the TM on a NuCanoe or something. I have had a BAD experience on a Mud Flat at Venice, La so I unfortunately can image bad experiences on Mud Flats.
  21. They can also make custom length shafts for tm’s pretty easily up to like 8 foot or something
  22. Looks like a Map Turtle to me, but fun regardless
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