A couple of more thoughts then.
How many times do we catch "keeper" fish that have recent hookmarks? I know I am catching a lot of fish that have been caught before. I would catch a significantly smaller number of fish if all the legal keepers had been kept. It also shows that while there certainly is post release mortality, that catch and release does work and makes a positve difference in our fish populations. We should understand though that some fish are going to be injured and/or die no matter how well intentioned we are. It seems that sometimes fish are hooked in highly vascular areas and bleed out internally. No blood in the water, but they struggle for a while and roll over and die a few minutes later. Sucks. All the more reason to treat the fish as well and carefully as you can. I hate for them to die for my entertainment.
"I don't bed fish because of the impact on the spawn". I don't bed fish because I don't think it is the best use of my time on the water. I KNOW that I am catching spawning fish. Most of them are going to be in some stage of the spawn during March thru early June. I'm just staying off of them and covering more water than the guys locking down on a bed fish.
IF you fish from March thru June, you are catching some spawning fish and pulling them off of their beds for those critical seconds regardless of your good intentions. If you want to pat yourself on the back about not catching spawners, you should fish from August thru Janurary only or stay out in 30 plus foot of water. I don't mean to pick on anyone in particular about this, but it seems poorly thought out at best to throw that line out there.