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Everything posted by Ham

  1. For the record, it is public record the numerous times Police have been to the house for a mixed bag of criminal offenses. I hate it for anyone to lose their house to a fire. Meth production or consumption is certainly suspected in this case.
  2. I'm currently working every other weekend. So I'll be off or I won't. Either way, I should be available for the Friday.
  3. I need some juicy jumbos, but even the little ones are pretty.
  4. I need to get up there
  5. I enjoy that and have a couple more tricks to try
  6. Yes, but so many ppl focus on Table Rock forum that many things go unseen. People could click on the button that shows all unread content, but they mostly don't
  7. Very impressive ! I haven't seen one yet!
  8. Live long and prosper.
  9. The Chestnut Lamprey were there before the trout. They are not invasive and have their place in nature no matter how unappealing they are to us. There is no need to kill them. they only live about 3 years and are only parasitic for about 6 months of that time. They feed parasitically prior to their spawn. All the adults spawn once and die. They feed on leaf litter and such for the first 2 1/2 years of their life.
  10. I have two of the Squirrel Tail Spinning rods. I love them.
  11. Let me know if you are available for a road trip. I can get you 2 of the three EASILY.
  12. Honestly, I was expecting her to beat me to 100
  13. Well, let's see how badly I want it. I think I can get to 110 at home, but much beyond that would require travel. I'll still fish once or twice weekly. I'll do some traveling for target species, but I'll also start chasing crappie and Bass a little more since the goal has been reached.
  14. 104) Brown Bullhead !!! , I've gotten a little obsessed with bullheads lately. They are said to be everywhere, but I struggle to catch them. Not many Brown Bullhead in Arkansas, but some. A lot more available in Delaware / Maryland. John has seemingly 1000 spots to fish, but I had limited time to fish. I pushed that envelope as hard as I dared. This was a vacation with my wife and NOT a fishing trip. John put me on a Great Spot, but he got the only catfish we caught there. I checked out some areas minutes away from where I was staying in the mornings. One of those places gave up a single freaking bite and it was my Lifer Brown Bullhead! So Lucky and So Happy about it.
  15. Have boat / will travel. I can 100% put you on some. We'll have our chances. Let's hope life gives us a chance to chase them together.
  16. 103) Striped Bass , Stoked to add Striper to the 2021 list. This gives me a shot to catch all the members of the Morone family in one year. Might have to drive a little more. from a tidal creek in Delaware
  17. 102) Summer Flounder , We started running low on Blood worm (and they creep me out) so I switched up to Gulp which I believe in. It did not get many bites for me, but it got the right bite for another Lifer. little guy, but he pulled well. I image a 16 incher keeper size would really pull.
  18. I understand 100 % that nothing can been guaranteed in fishing. You pays your money and takes your chances. I had a Good Guide and I've been Lucky a lot this year. Ive had some misfortune and heartache, but you have have to have Bad Times to Fully Appreciate the Good Times. I really Appreciate all the help I have received that helped me get here. I don't want to leave anybody out, but certainly want to Thank John, Dave, Marty, and Les again and again.
  19. 101) Black Sea Bass , These cute little guys are are pretty common apparently. I think John considered it fairly likely that we would catch some. They sure do life them some blood worm. Note, they are as pokey as they are pretty. I caught several and bled a little after most of them.
  20. 100) Pigfish. , Please appreciate that a guy named Ham caught a Pigfish to cross the 100 Mark. Right after the Silverside. We started dropping high/low rigs with bloodworm. Livie kicked my butt and let me know about it. John was kind enough to let me catch a fish before him. I was very Happy to get the Pigfish. A Lifer fishing with John to get to 100 was Perfect! I felt like I was stuck at 88 species for forever, but things went fast in Maryland/Delaware and I got to 100 without a lot of fanfare. I re-baited and dropped back down to see what the ocean would give up next. I stressed and fretted for so long over getting to 100; you would think that I would have celebrated or something, but no rest for the wicked. Let's see where we are by 12/31/21. I did catch another Pigfish later, but both pics are of the Lifer.
  21. 99) Atlantic Silverside. , John took me to a fishing pier in Ocean City, Maryland. He and his Clan have the whole pier fishing thing worked out. I'm the Jon Snow of pier fishing. so we roll up and I'm looking around getting my bearings and John's says gear up and points out these big silversides. Much bigger than the Brook Silversides that I am used to. so, I hooked a BIG one, but he shook the POS tanago. I did get one, but he was smaller.
  22. And I really Appreciate it.
  23. And a Lifer White Perch for me!
  24. I have only one complaint. My lack of fishing time.
  25. Another 40 in40 shows up! Brown Bullhead!
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