It would be that simple IF there was only one user group. Different groups of fishermen want different things. The desires of one group shouldn’t outweigh the desires of another group. For every guy, that wants refs changed to help him catch 20 inch smallies there are are probably 3 guys that want an 8 inch minimum on SMB and a 20 fish limit.
I don’t fish the rarified air of rivers that have Spots that are invasive. Please frame your “kill them all” arguments for Spotted Bass to areas where that has occurred. Spots are a nice addition to BSL, Beaver, TR, and Norfork. They can be anywhere I guess, but there seem to areas where you can pattern them and the Spots always seem like they will play a little bit even on the worst days.
I hear Spots are tasty, I usually release mine.
Look, if you can’t tell the shape of a bass filet from a Crappie filet or the difference in the texture of the meat or the taste differences btw the two ; I’m not sure I can help you.
As an aside : I hear that all the time that ppl can mix White Bass and Crappie and cant tell the difference. Perhaps people appreciate the meal and are gracious enough not to complain, because surely ppl can tell the differences btw the two.