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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Lol, I know where I’d use it
  2. Taney has a bunch of toads!
  3. I have 2 of the 7 foot rods in the plastic wrap, but you guys are making me itchy to buy a couple more.
  4. I hope Yeti sent you a new one
  5. Been there, done that. It was a fun time. I was wet wading too. A trout on the dropper ran btw my legs and stuck a size 10 GBHE in my calf. You notice the desperate tugs of a fresh rainbow more when they are attached to your calf. I was fishing Barbless so it was no big deal at all.
  6. Nope
  7. A nice slow moving Tropical system to recharge the lakes , rivers, and aquafers. Perfect.
  8. Ham

    2018 Dove

    I can’t ever find a group to Dove Hunt with so that gets in the way of me trying various Dove breast recipes, but yeah I agree with cooking requirements largely being a result of commercial food processing
  9. Ham

    2018 Dove

    I had some dove breasts wrapped in bacon and done on the grill and it was very, very good. I have also had dove breasts braised and then slow cooked in a gravy. It was pretty good, but not in the same zip code as grilled.
  10. Not
  11. One of these days, I need to have netboy over for supper. I need to get an idea about how many $$$$ those are. #askingforafriend
  12. Not from this year, but on my life list
  13. Whatcha talking about?
  14. Would be better off if I did a lot more of that that kind of physical effort instead of less honestly.
  15. I bought 10 acres across the street. We are moving my wife’s parents up from East Texas so we can help them as they get older. we cut in a track for the dwelling and a driveway. Not a full lumberjack day. Probably only 10-15 trees and most of those small. Two more trees to take down and some clean up work today. We made a lot of progress though.
  16. You guys were fishing. I was running a chain saw. Sweating my butt off.
  17. Snagged a stone roller? Fair Enough.
  18. You can do anything you want I suppose, but my understanding was that it was a special lube in that system that was biphasic. A gel that got less viscous at higher temps, but maybe I dreamed all that up. I do want to hear how all this plays out
  19. Mmmmmmmm Sculpin flavored
  20. I’ve never fished with the 6’ not the 6’6” so I got nothing. I know a couple of the guys have bought them and do well with them
  21. Epic or insane. I am still MAD at em, but my fishing skills would be so eroded by lack of sleep that it would be pointless for me to try
  22. Some things never change. good looking baits. By the shear volume of them, I assume they are for sale.
  23. The Air Stream is a good tool for the job at a low price. I do not like that BPS is the sole provider as supply is very inconsistent. I like St Croix Rods, but is difficult to buy them with having your hands on them, thw St Croix Premier in 6 foot light is a completely different animal from the 7 foot light. The 6 footer is sensitive enough for Crappie Jig fishing loads and throws well. the 7 footer is kinda floppy and sloppy. Less sensitive. Probably throws better but yuk. My Dad had the 6 footer. I wanted that rod in a 7 foot version, but that’s not what I got.
  24. Now, I want to hit the Osage with worms for eels. How long ago? Time of year? Day or night? I need to catch at least one.
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