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Everything posted by Smalliebigs

  1. Fished the Big muddy up near Chain of Rocks. The action was crazy good on a 5 inch LiveTarget Gizzard swimbait. I put a stout Owner 3x hook on the belly and boil the tails and paint them up a bit with a Sharpie. This bait has produced more big fish in city boy poopy water than anything else for me and has made me fish bigger swimbaits and glide baits much more than I used to, it can be very frustrating and very very rewarding. I only repot the good stuff to you guys. I broke my rod on the 9th fish and then re-tied with the 3 eyelets I had left and caught 10 more, absolutely absurd. Oh and JonsFolly will love this one I caught my PB Gizzard on the bait some how it bumped my bait and was large lol hope you all have been getting out as much as possible, I for one am liking these gas prices as it seems to be keeping people away from my precious little streams and that’s awesome with me.
  2. I come back after a bit and see you guys are still fishing and making posts lol same old same old I’ll be out in my new boat
  3. Hahaha yeah sorry this is just another dumb one from the state. Sorry if that offends my MSA friends but, after the tag for reward debacle, this is very similar IMO The MDC was down on the Black river in an attempt to tag fish there recently??? Two state jet boats pulled out on to a private gravel bar of my friends and proceeded to get both trucks stuck, sunk in soft gravel up to their truck frames lol then about an hour later a GIANT 18 wheeler of some sort with a military sized bulldozer was driven in and they proceeded to tear the entire gravel bar up getting Two trucks and trailers out before they even started their stupid tagging BS. The college kids and state officials packed it all up and left, wonder if they ever tagged fish there or gave up on that one.???? Effective spending of your money, unless some philanthropist gave them cash or something lol
  4. Well Ryan I agree with you 100% on this
  5. Man what a bummer Rick actually took the time to message me here about something and he was an extremely knowledgeable dude!!! He’s up there mending a line waiting on his scud to fall in front of a hawg Godspeed Rick
  6. Sorry but, Table Rock is know for this for awhile now. We had our batteries stolen out of our boat there in Indian Point. Hate to sound negative but, that crap has been going on there for awhile now.
  7. Well I now fished from the bank, kayak or a boat now 8 days in a row, not bad for an old biotch. Today I was in the Eureka area and I will say everywhere I’ve gone recently the bass are really getting close and will spawn on May 16th pending flow rates. I caught so many Spots it’s hard to think about….bigger ones, tiny tiny ones all on one bait. I may be taking a little break here and letting the bass have fun making babies and trying to protect them until they eat them lol. Anyway tight lines my friends and I would like to fish with someone some day, fishing alone is really weird to me for some reason even though I tend to really catch the hell out of fish by myself.
  8. I know a guy who has a lake lot there and he was crazy about doing his own stocking in his own Lac. He eventually was caught by the local police and made to stop. He infrequently posts here about Hybrids and bitches about illegal gigging incessantly lol He told me he put Smallies and Largemouth and Crappie in Two Lacs. I have caught Smallies up to 17 inches from the one Lac he paddle boards in all the time.
  9. Went to the same spot because it was good yesterday lol.I got there at 6:35am surface activity everywhere Shad getting busted, it was a very good vibe for fishing. Caught 4 nice Spots and….. One Hybrid about as far up as I have caught a bigger one. At the office by 9:07 am😜
  10. Agreed it’s a Spot, also the bars around the eyes, it had a patch on it’s tongue….very cool looking one as well. I’d say 5.3 and my pic scale is pretty dang good lol
  11. I walked the bank around Pacific Pallisades in a fairly productive area. Caught 14 on top water right on the bank as the water was still up and cloudy to be honest. All were very nice 14 to 17 inches and thick and very hard fighting. All were released back for some unknown reason??? Oh that’s right somebody called the MDC and told them I kill them and they contacted me and now I don’t kill them. The population from Saint Clair down to Flamm City is getting to be nice size, I have caught a good number of Four pounders now.
  12. I have been really concentrating on Temperates since last Fall and have had the normal success. A guy in a boat on the river yelled at me while I was releasing this one that they all die once you release them and I should just keep them. He was pretty pissed I was releasing a nice Hybrid. So am I being dumb by releasing the Hybrids I catch?? I personally think they are very fun and a tad unusual in their behaviors but, very cool. IMG_5081.MOV
  13. Yeah I know he has an absolute mountain of knowledge rolling around in his brain. I wish he would post also John, the fish he brings to hand are stuff of legendary proportions. I am trying to get over my paranoia of posting pics and having guys go right to where I just was and I’m doing much better with it. Sorry my post are very vanilla now but, I really didn’t think you guys cared for my diarrhea of the mouth in regards to my fishing trips lol
  14. Fished with an old friend the other day in water that was 4 feet high and still rolling at 8000 cubic feet per second. The water temps were 51 at the surface, not ideal lol We had a 5.3, a 4.1 and a 3.24, 3.3 and a 3.48 for our best 5 Smallies in an hour and half, I was back to pick my daughter from school by 2:30 lol Fortunately for me my friend really excels like nobody else in high water conditions, I was astonished we could do this well. Tight lines to all of you and let’s get the season going!!!
  15. Wow Bill I could not agree more about the catch photo release thing.
  16. I had no idea you could fish that lake hahaha hmm
  17. Kind of the mold had 4 slots all 3/16 that accommodate the 3/0 hook. I modified Two of the slots, so I pour 2 at a time with guards and Two at a time without. I epoxy the eyes on them for my own stupid ego/confidence lol either way these heads just flat out work for me.
  18. I bought a mold I liked pretty cheap from do-it a few years back and it takes a 60 degree Mustad with a flat line tie like a Shakey. I like that as it gives the baits more lateral roll. I don’t like the angled heads though and these are more or less a ball head but, they are supper effective and the hook up rate is the best I’ve experienced with a swimbait head. Mostly I pour 1/4 on a 3/0
  19. Nice one Pete….definitely getting towards upper end
  20. Funny Gavin that’s exactly what my wife tells me like every other day lol A man has to know his limitations and sometimes I think above my pay grade. I know what I am now and everything is good. I’ll go back to anonymity and fish by myself. Not many can put up with me for more than a couple of hours other than my wife and daughter. I just miss fishing with friends but, family and working get in the way, I get it.
  21. I am tired of fishing by myself and need to be out on the water. I’ll find someone who wants me to guy them gas soon enough I would think??
  22. Killer baits
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