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David Unnerstall

OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by David Unnerstall

  1. Now I have another question: When to use hooks and when to use jig heads?
  2. Hey, fly that over the topless beach in Pornichet, France.
  3. Wrench, I do not disagree on the excitement factor. But it is a social thing with me and my buddies.
  4. I apologize Old Plug. I knew I was going to get that wrong.
  5. I spend so much time with my nose planted on the grindstone that when I do get a chance to go fishing I just enjoy it so much I do not concentrate enough on catching fish. Last Spring my buddy Rick out-fished me on Wappappello. Well I want to change that this Spring and I have five questions: 1. Wait until you feel a hit, or randomly set the hook when you feel confident a crappie is there? 2. I like the nine-foot pole, at times, and drop straight down in brush and straight up to avoid snags – what is the general opinion on this? 3. Simple: jigs or live bait? 4. And regarding live bait: (now I don’t have a moral problem using live bait if the fish that is caught goes into the fryer – I do have a problem with those who torture live bait ……) how does one place the hook and why? 5. Old Plug says he uses monofilament, I think I recall, because it sinks more slowly. Do others agree?
  6. Most digital meters have a continuity setting that buzzes. I also use a tone/amp for identifying wires. You put the tone on one end and find it on the other with the amp. Most Home Depot stores have them in stock. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Fluke-Networks-Pro-3000-Tone-and-Probe-Kit-26000-900/202290922
  7. Well, we spell phonetics with a "ph" -- now how messed up is that!
  8. It is good to know that others have trouble tying all of these wild-posterior knots we now use. I went through my fingers with a saw and tying knots is the thing I dislike the most about what we do. And why do we "tie" a knot (with an 'I") but are "tying" a knot (with a "Y")?
  9. I had a rod cap come loose on a Chrysler 55-horse. It flopped around inside and almost cut the powerhead into two pieces. I was at wide open throttle to make the heavy old Ouachita plane. I replaced it with a 75-horse I rebuilt. I bought the most recent Chrysler bass boat with an identical outboard. It has a sweet spot around 3800 RPM's does 22 MPH and planes just fine. I do not feel the need to go any faster.
  10. I watched the Super Bowl because it is a good time at the local tavern. The last time I remember watching a Super Bowl at home was the second one -- Green Bay vs. Oakland/Bart Starr vs Daryl Lamonica. The old man and I watched it. I admit I rooted against the Patriots. Because of the fact that they were caught cheating twice.
  11. Boats are a lot of maintenance -- especially if you are not handy and resourceful. I have had five boats if you include the cedar-stripper and I am of the opinion it is better to have a good buddy with a boat.
  12. I hope this qualifies as something good. Our old dog Dusty would jump on a stump and leap on the roof of the garage where he had a better view. But I guess this, too, is a display of canine testicles in a figurative way.
  13. It has nothing to do with that. It is metabolism. If I am moving I am fine and don't feel the age. But if I am not moving the resting metabolism drops and I get awful cold.
  14. Thanks, Seth. That is interesting. I read in the Conservationist that a turkey can be processed by removing the breast and legs/thighs and not attending to the feathers or entrails.
  15. Griz, What you recommend as a written guide for this process? I am interested.
  16. I get my deer sausage supplies from G&W. They can't SELL sausage cure but the head sausage maker (a young guy called Gunter who speaks with a German accent) has to measure it and give it to you. And when you walk in they give you a beer.
  17. No they are still there. The claim-to-fame is that when Pope John Paul (the Polish Pope) visited St. Louis he went there.
  18. All right I have to mention the White Barn, up here, in Castle Point (Chambers west of Lewis and Clark). It is owned by my cousin and they have the best hamburger there is. And the Polish sausage is from Piekutowski's.
  19. That reminds me of something Patrick McManus wrote: "I thought ants became extinct but then I learned I needed glasses."
  20. The teardrop is officially complete: https://youtu.be/jdjLu6BYgg4
  21. I have always been of the opinion that the guy that DOESN'T get the last word in wins by showing rational restraint.
  22. It is possible that he maneuvered the fish to that spot to get that guy moving.
  23. I got out on Sunfish lake a few weeks ago. This is not much of a fish but it proves bass are making a comeback. That lake was known for 18" bass in the eighties. And the bald eagle was cool to see.
  24. "Wasn't too bad" my butt! You had to go through the float sober. Just thinking about it gives me the shakes.
  25. If you notice the ramps are all busy at dusk. The locals know fishing is best at low light periods. I recall there being red-ears in there.
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