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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by tho1mas

  1. tho1mas

    Just in time

  2. tho1mas

    What's Cooking?

    Amen to that. Your wife must be related to mine.
  3. tho1mas

    What's Cooking?

    What's up with the store bought cornbread?
  4. If you feel you need more decoys, buy some cheap ones on craigslist & paint them. Even Wal- Mart can mix the colors & there is a lot of info on the procedure on the net. Good luck - have fun.
  5. Hire him - then you will know.
  6. I noticed the quail population declined at the same time the turkey was restocked in missouri in the late 70s early 80s. The experts say no way but I have my doubts. A lot of farmers say the same thing.
  7. Hope you are right.
  8. I think we need a "Fact Checker" on this forum!
  9. Welcome - Just check this forum daily. Lots of good info here. Most will be lakes & streams a little to the south of you.
  10. tho1mas


    Been a Cardinal fan since the 50's but I think the best team won this playoff.
  11. tho1mas


    Any thoughts on Molina? I am afraid he may be finished as a player. It is rough to get old - believe me.
  12. tho1mas

    What's Cooking?

    BillitHead - I think it is the difference between a good old country cook and a chef.
  13. I know the feeling - while hunting at Stockton a few years ago a single came into the decoys. My buddy shot, the duck folded up and hit the water. Lab hit the water and returned with the duck ( a Bluebill). I went out to get it and pitched it to my buddy. About half way to the blind the duck took off - flew across the lake - only to hit a dead tree. That killed him.
  14. I thought Wrench would have seen this by now. He will know. I would start with fuel lines - if it sat that long. Good luck - nothing worse than a motor that does run right.
  15. And wind + 10 mph for 24 hours ( same direction ) works for me.
  16. . Traced my family all the way back to southern France. Perhaps this explains some of this.
  17. Open jmes post for the location.
  18. I can click on page 2 and it works OK, but if I attempt to go to page 1 from page 2 it hangs. Same here.
  19. Taney is tough without a boat for bass - buy a trout stamp - you can use Rockaway & several places around Branson.
  20. I think you fixed it - Thank you, now go fish.
  21. Phil - don't know if this helps - error codes 1C205/3 & 2S100/2.
  22. Me also. Various wait times - seems to depend on how long I have been on the page.
  23. tho1mas

    What's Cooking?

    Nice - that many doves would cost me $75 worth of shotgun shells.
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