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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. Gavin

    Too Much On Her

    Yes....teach gun safety and marksmanship first! Most people have incredibly poor gun handling skills. Like that Hollywood weasel whom I won't name.
  2. Rewrapping a custom rod should not be free. My custom guy (Tom Hargrove) charges for it, plus costs. Not a big deal on a fly rod since your usually just wrapping one section out of 4. I usually order an extra fly rod tip from the manufacturer when I send a fly rod back for a blank warranty. I wrap my own spinners and casters...The guides get scraped and they into the tomato stake pile when I break one of those...I keep lousy records on that stuff and lose the ugly decals..
  3. If you have information about the fire at the Ranger Station contact the NPS at 888-653-0009
  4. Oxy's make me think funny too.
  5. Gavin

    What's Cooking?

    Did a prime rib last night. Reverse seared it at 250 till it hit 120 (about 3 hrs). Pulled & Rested it on the counter for 45 minutes, then covered with a stick of soft butter and into a 550 degree oven for 15 minutes, pulled at 130 and it was perfect, crusty & rare edge to edge., No need to rest it further, just slice and consume. Poaching gift box of Harry & David pears from the office unwanted pile today. Poached pears, w pecans, & blue cheese to go with leftover beef tonight.
  6. Okra comes from the store. Texas Hot Okra Pickles is all you need to know. Some use it fresh in gumbo as a thickener, but it is not to be combined with file powder. Fried is good for about a minute after it leaves the fryer, but it’s usually served as a lukewarm slimy mess. Jambalaya is another good use.
  7. A dog is more trouble than a boat, so…….Forgetaboutit.
  8. I’m done for ducks, it’s time to switch gears and trout fish.
  9. I’ve seen some underwater video of winter smallmouth resting with their bellies in contact with the bottom of northern lakes. Allot of winter fish have dirty bellies so I figure that they probably do that here too.
  10. My favorite is a 1/8oz black bear hair jig with a rabbit strip tail 4.5” long. Jig is an aspirin head (modify a ball head).. Ned or slider should work too. The Hard part is finding them. Those spots can be small, but you can pound them when you find them. Fish in the afternoon. 6-8’ of water can’t see bottom slack current, fish the sunny side. Jerkbait fishing for trout is more fun.
  11. I'm not sure your talking to the right people. Up here the sheriff deals with the jail & the court system, and the police departments deal with the public, make arrests, write citations, etc. Have you hired an attorney yet? Probably a good idea. Let them chase down the owner for you.
  12. Glad you are have a good season. The east side has birds, but the ducks are very stale. Still lots of gadwall, pintails, and teal around, mallard numbers low.
  13. Dissolve some parrafin in some white gas and treat your flies with that. Floats ‘‘em great. Removes fish slime, can start a fire with it.
  14. Yes a paddle Jon won’t plane. Had mine out Friday. Works really well with a 55lb thrust trolling motor. You really need two people working in tandem to paddle one with canoe paddles on a narrow river. No worries on mid sized water. Have taken mine down the upper current solo, but a canoe is a better choice for Baptist to Welch, or the Upper Jacks. There is no perfect do all small boat. Buy a used one, try it, if you like it keep it, if not sell it.
  15. I thought Old Town had a 20' tandem model years ago, the Camper XL or something like that. Might look into that.
  16. A troller will work great on your canoe. Old Town used to make a motor bracket (not sure if they still do). I have one of these old Town brackets in the garage, and I’ve used it twice in the last 30 years. Would sell it for a fair price if interested. I don’t intend to use it since I got a 17’ paddle jon. Works great for 20-30 mile downriver trips on the G nade/Meramec.
  17. Nice tie! I might have some Amhearst in my kit but no guarantee. You might want to give Hargrove's a call. Tom can usually round up the materials you need for some old school patterns. If not on hand, they will order it, and ship to you. He's closed Monday & Sunday but open today. Ask for Craig or Tom 314-968-4223.
  18. The locking wrap helps on all guides. They won’t come off w/o taking a razor blade to the wrap.
  19. Usually camp @ Sunburst, but Sunburst's Lodge @ Trout Island would be the spot for a cabin trip, followed by ROLF. Pop your NFoW cherry by running the falls in a canoe, catching a trout, and filling your waders after slipping off a slimy rock. You can complete all three tasks in less than 5 minutes. Good luck.
  20. The camp host will have wood available to buy and there are several places between Licking & Montauk that sell wood too. Have fun, water is dead low and clear.
  21. Yes Gene all is well! You?
  22. Very low & clear, fishing slow. Lots of people at Montauk. Fished the blue ribbon a couple mornings and had fun but nothing noteworthy. Went for an afternoon hike with the fam and did some fishing in the White Ribbon. Caught some trout for dinner, several smallmouth, and a rare largemouth bass. Only a 11” LMB but it’s a rare catch for that area. I’ve only caught 2 other LMB’s between Montauk and Akers in the last 30 years. All bass were released.
  23. Good shooting! Those look clean enough to roast whole.
  24. Gavin


    Kill board is online this year. Good Luck.
  25. Welcome back. I would imagine that you could get an Uber on Taney if you need to cut your float short. Add a cable and a lock to your kit just in case.
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