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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. Brushing up and washing decoys. It won’t be long now.
  2. Cheap Needle nosed pliers work fine. Less than $5 maybe $10 with a can on wd40.
  3. I don't know anyone who releases stripers down there. You might catch one out of a pod of 50. Taking one out never seems to put a dent in them.
  4. FW, they definetly hang in the deep spring fed holes. I hear they eat lots of crayfish. If it’s slow,, long and over 5-6’ deep, look for stripers.
  5. I just fish a Madame X in various colors or a Jarosik beetle.
  6. Crickets are thick right know. Pulled about 30 out of my pool skimmer this AM.
  7. The stripers there are year round residents. I see them every trip, but only hook one occasionally. The problem is getting to them when they want to bite. Your not gonna get many shots at those fish w/o private access to the spots were the always hold. There are several spots.
  8. Lost me at I.
  9. Haven’t even thought about it much. It’s been a really busy year, I have a mild case of the Rona, so I’ll have a few days off this week to prep. Brushing blinds next weekend.
  10. It's a low return form of gambling IMO. I figure most just show up to donate their entry fees and cosplay. They are kinda like the furries of fishing folk.
  11. That is a crock Phil. Mitch doesn’t play by your rules (or well with others) yet you reward him with a free advertisement and delete his critic’s posts?
  12. Nice job! What a thrill!
  13. I’ve probably done it, but really don’t care to fish some of them again. All you need is a bit of rain, some color in the water, and a globall.
  14. I'll stick to my story. I didn't expect a van full of 8 to arrive and now you judging me! You are truly a pathetic ingrate. Enjoy life in you fortress of solitude.
  15. Well, if you want to snipe. I thought you were a rude house guest. I expected 4, you brought 8 to swim in my pool and eat my BBQ. My wife said never have them back.
  16. Mitch, I'm glad that I live rent free in your head. I could call you out for being unkind, but you already did that yourself! Thanks for the 🤣!
  17. The majority in this county are kind. We have a problem with vocal, unkind people.
  18. Kindness it is what is missing. The emotional climate might wise up, maybe not.
  19. Good to know, your forkers need to up your game. I want my stuff canned off this forum, but terms of use might say it belongs to Phil. Phil I will make arrangements for the $1 I’m willing to give you to delete my account & content. It’s probably allot more than it’s worth. One Sack Jack will give ya a dollar, if I ask him too,
  20. Influx? Hey Phil, I no longer want any association with this forum. Can you delete my account and all my prior content? How can we make that so? Is there a way I can do it myself?
  21. Mutt rainbows drug around for awhile. Cut the gills and bleed them immediately and the eat better.
  22. Nothing, yet, but soon come.
  23. 37.87598, -92.88115
  24. Al, is VERY detail oriented, that is why he can excel at art. He takes tons of reference photos to note details. I bet he even counts the scales on the sides of fish, all the good wildlife artists do.
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