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About Leitsout

  • Birthday 07/13/1975

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  • Location
    Troy, MO

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Bigmouth Quillback

Bigmouth Quillback (6/89)



  1. dpitt; What app is that you are using?
  2. Headed down to Montauk Sat. 3/30, just for the day. Looks like it will be back to normal levels by then, curious how clear or stained it will be. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. What jerk baits are you guys throwing?
  4. Congrats Bill, I was down in Branson that Saturday and saw this story on the news.
  5. Just curious, how can you identify a triploid versus diploid brown trout.
  6. I've been buying a lot of the Falcon Cara models recently. If this is the way you decide to go, contact Bill Babler. I bought a new one and a used one from him last year. Both were good deals. I'm happy with both.
  7. I saw this on You Tube late last night, i literally LOL'd when Duane said that.
  8. Slap a new Ultrexx on that bad boy and you're good to go.
  9. Lol. I haven't seen that episode yet. I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for it.
  10. Cabela's name brand stuff may come with a lifetime warranty. My duck waders sprung a leak after 2 years and I got a free replacement.
  11. Just to be clear, are we talking about both hatcheries? The one by the restaurant and the one up above by the C&R area? Both got wiped out?
  12. Just curious. Did you go with the MinnKota Ultrex? I had mine on the water for the second time weekend of 22nd, that motor is great, very happy with it.
  13. I saw you out there Saturday Bill, looks like you had a boat full for sure. Just curious how you rig the power worm? Jig head or straight hook with split shot; hooked in the middle or at the end?
  14. I was down this past weekend. Caught quite a few on sculpin color 1/8 oz. jigs, had a lot of short strikes and a bunch of chasers. With all the chasers I was seeing I switched to a lil' cleo but no luck. Also did well on a pink trout magnet 6' deep. No size to any of them for the most part, lots of silver bullets. Spent most of our time in the short creek and trout hollow area.
  15. Thanks Vernon.
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