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Daryk Campbell Sr

OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Daryk Campbell Sr

  1. I'm interested as well. I may have a couple of Dave's left. But it's been a while since I've fished ned.
  2. Seems like it's read about this a while back. Deja vu maybe...?
  3. I cannot turn against your gumbo.
  4. Sounds like a variety of options are catching fish. I like that.
  5. We are at about 2-3 inches of pure sleet here in Festus. It's blown around quite a bit. I'm not aware of any power outages around me. We have no outside responsibilities for a few days, and school was called off for tomorrow for my kids. Pantry and freezers are full, plenty of propane and charcoal. We have a room in the basement we can retreat to in case of power failure. It won't get to far below 50 degrees. We will be fine.
  6. It's always interesting here in Jefferson County. About 15 miles from me. LOL As far as believing it or not, most around here would believe it. We've recently had chimpanzees on the loose. There is a home locally that rents them for parties. It's actually happend multiple times. We have a tiger sanctuary near here as well.
  7. I wasn't fishing yet. I figured alot of you guys and gals may enjoy seeing some of the trends, and lures, along with prices. Not my video, just happened to come across this on YouTube. 2 minutes and 5 seconds he opens the catalog. Prior to that he rambles.
  8. I was able to fish my local pond and got 4 crappie. I believe they are white crappie, although the bars are not extremely evident. They were all on a fly/jig given to me by @JUNGLE JIM 1 Good start to 2025. Interesting topic, Y2K was 25 years ago. This is the fly/jig, im honestly not sure what it would fall under. It's an ultra light weight jighead but tied in a fly fashion. He does good work.
  9. A good new years day indeed. I was successful in connecting the fuel lines. I was able to pull start 'ol Frankenstein. HE'S ALIVE!! I did not connect the steering linkage, adn as seen in the video attached, i did not fill a barrel with water. I do have muffs, kinda forgot about buying them. It's been a journey, and I am satisfied so far. I caught fish today, and won a rechargeable aerator from Hydro Charge Fishing via Bassquatch90 YouTube/Facebook channel.
  10. It has really high compression. I believe the starter is strong enough. I think it just needs to be cycled and get the pistons oiled. I wanted to do some work to it after my shift today, but we are going out tonight, and I don't want to smell like fuel. I believe I'm on the home stretch, just gotta tighten up the lines, and connect the steering linkage, adjust the carburetor and send it.
  11. Got a new battery, it helped but still hard to cycle. The compression builds up and it is tough to turn. I took out the spark plugs and sprayed with fogging oil. Pulling a few times with the oil and no plugs it's really easy. I decided it was time to connect fuel over the weekend. I had problems with the fuel leaking from the pump, although I just rebuilt it. I could hear air leaking as I pumped my fuel siphon, as well as fuel leaking from the pump. I ordered one on Amazon, as it was significantly cheaper than the marine parts I've been ordering from. I still may get the OEM, but for now, I just want to get proof of it running before dumping alot more money. I decided to remove the pump from the block and try to pressurize it to see where the fuel was leaking. Then the next problem happened. My fuel tank internal fuel hose disconnected. It's an awfully old tank, so a new one was in the plans. I got a new tank this evening. I installed the new fuel pump, and pressurized the system. Before I installed the fuel lines I had a sneaky suspicion that I originally installed them backwards. Sure enough. I did, and i believe that may be why the internal fuel tank hose came off. I have a leak at the carburetor where the fuel line connects, I need to get some hose clamps instead of the zip ties I tried to use. I decided to try pulling the rope (as it is raining outside and I don't want to possibly short my battery), and it wasn't so hard. I went ahead and pulled a few more times and got a "pop" of ignition. Frankenstein started to moan..... I need to clamp the fuel lines, and fill up my trash can with water, before I try to start it all the way. But, I'm pretty excited.
  12. Sounds like a really good deal for someone.
  13. Yes I did. As well as I could interpret.
  14. I've worked retail of some kind most all of my life. The management during orientation sternly explains to new employees not to interfere with people who are stealing. Doesn't matter how obvious it is that people are stealing, you don't approach. The common reason is it is cheaper than a lawsuit from the thief, and or workers comp for the employee. The "solution" to help prevent potential thieves is to "give them great customer service ". That was in the hopes of someone not being bold enough to want to steal in front of the associates. Meanwhile I made Kings Hawaiian Roll sliders. They were great as appetizers. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/216756/baked-ham-and-cheese-party-sandwiches/
  15. 3rd. No pressure Marty.
  16. Merry Christmas You Filthy Animals. Marty, you can't tease us like that. I do hope you enjoy the new...... BOAT? @dblades, if you are ever needing someone to go fishing with, I will gladly make the drive.
  17. To be fair, your reference is also one sided. As well as quite an old set of data. I'm just curious to get a layman's report of what it takes to build, and demolish vs the gains. One reference will tout the benefit, another touts the problems, but none are giving complete information. Im really interested, but I'm not in the field and most information is way above my head. I am and I believe most people are, easy to sway with missing information. We don't know what information may be missing. So, why not be as thorough as can be for the sake of most people. Example: it takes "x" amount of energy to construct this, and "x" amount to deconstruct. In its life cycle it produces "x" amount of energy. That's what I'm wanting from an article that's trying to sway me a certain way. But..... I guess there no benefit to them for that. By the way, I'm just having general conversation, no blame to anyone on information provided. I enjoy learning about many things, and this really got me interested, but I feel alot was left out of the articles, and I'm upset with the writers, not the ones who provide it. Merry Christmas all.
  18. They go by the St Louis area with the blades enough to where it isn't a novelty to see them. They are large. Driving through Illinois, you can see some of the wind farms, and they are really neat to see. I don't know the science of why they are going out of service, and cannot be retrofitted but I'm curious to know the full story. Not really curious enough to godown the rabbit hole. I just wish they would get deeper into the story, or share the links that are relative. This just seems to be one sided reporting. Not blaming you Marty, it's qn interesting article. Just got me curious. LOL
  19. Im always fascinated by one sided reporting and selling. When the push was to install and operate these, and electric vehicles, and solar panels etc., they sell the benefits. They promised it was eco friendly blah blah blah. Now that they have made their money, they are looking for assistance in removing them and (realizing) the technology was not as well thought out as it was sold. I'm sure lessons were learned, improvements were made, and it will benefit future science. I do believe that. I prefer the story also include how much energy each one has contributed, what has been learned, and how it compares to other energy sources.
  20. No, I got a loft room, so if my son needs to retreat, he can.
  21. Got that corrected. Thanks for the tip. I also figured out why the starter wasn't engaging. I traced the wires, verified voltage to the solenoid, and verified the wires were in the correct order and location. Thankfully I took a slow video of the motor and wires. I thought I had a bad ground. I could disconnect the wire from the neutral safety switch, and ground it out to get the starter to engage. Further YouTube and forums research showed others having similar issues, showed the switch could often be misaligned and the plunger would not activate. Corrected that, and the starter engages. Now to get a new battery as mine is very weak. One step closer.
  22. Got mine in. Thanks Phil. Make sure to select Phil in the drop down. Really, for the entertainment of the forum, we all should be donating to cover as our dues.
  23. That's the way it goes. To have a rough day but still report is fully appreciated.
  24. Nothing of real concern. Just shallow water. Sorry for the confusion.
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