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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. I think it's safe to say that every piece of wood that makes it past the concrete ramp finds a place to anchor just below Jakes. That short stretch is Strainer central. How'bout those lilly pads though?
  2. They'd be replacing that fence 5 times per year. LOL
  3. I agree. Maybe that's the missing part of that rustling story up there ^^^
  4. Classic! Cattle rustling: felony. Now that tops peeing on a tree ! Seriously though, I'm thinking you caught a landowner....telling stories. Lemme guess, he took his calf back and let them go without pressing charges.....yeah....right. Anti-river rights propaganda at its finest right there. Shame shame.
  5. Atta boy! Had to ask though.
  6. I'm the furthest thing from a grammer nazi, but I just refuse for anyone to say "drive UP to the river". Nothing is lower than the river, regardless of where ya live. If you're dead set on enough suckers to make a meal, and you're limited to the bank, then you should hit the lower stretch of Ho-Hum campgrounds property. Only costs a few bucks to park and it's always loaded with suckers below the old bridge pilings.
  7. 3-D shoots are a blast, I used to run all over the Northern half of the state to shoot the different club courses, then for some reason they stopped putting them on. If they start making a comeback I'll have to get back into it for sure. I'll never forget one we shot in Laurie during a bad ice storm. You'd study your target for a bit, decide on yardage and pick a flight path, draw your bow.....then your feet would start sliding. Next thing you knew you and your equipment were crashing downhill through the woods to the closest holler. It was pretty dangerous really and a few guys got hurt kinda bad, but it was absolutely hilarious, and we we're all beat, bruised and sore for weeks afterwards.
  8. Wanna sell the jon boat?
  9. Ah yes, the stackpiling of multiple charges all related to the same incident... The first step to pending plea offers. No trial, He gone for ten-sevens.
  10. What is it with kids and body piercing these days? Nice work there, Booner. You'll be lucky to get a job at McDonald now.
  11. Lovey had better hang on to her boobs or she'll get a black eye. Now that I think of it maybe those old LS's were designed that way on purpose. But yeah that's gonna be my move from this point forward. When I got a boat that's a real POS and I can't feesably improve on it... I'll just slap a BADASS HORN on it and call it a day!
  12. Arrrggh! Don't make me go there The Lone Star ride and handling is a bit of a disappointment. It takes choppy water ALMOST as gracefully as my Lowe Olympic. In other words....It'll shake your teeth loose. The hull looks straight but the boat handles like it has a severe reverse rocker. The best tune I could achieve on the Big Twin still wouldn't pull a sick Ho out of bed, much less pop a skier up, even after reasonable prop swapping. Pro's: It LOOKS really cool, and the HORN is impressive.
  13. "Winning" is just a bonus. Nobody, regardless of how good they are can control the size of the bites they'll get much after "keeper" size, not even on their home lake. So whoever WINS isn't as significant, in the real world, as who consistently finishes in the top tier.
  14. Yep, that was a good read. Pushed me over the edge to hitting the forbidden stretch of one of my favorite creeks. If I suddenly seem absent I may have gotten shot or thrown in jail. Wish me luck
  15. That's when it pays to have a diverse sense of humor As long as everyone is laughing and having a good time out on the lake most folks will be back for another shot at'em during a time when the bite is better.
  16. Squirrels do get kinda embarrassed when they get wet. And for good reason...cuz they transform from Graceful Bushytail to Clumsy Weasel in under 2 seconds.
  17. I notice on the new maps that Leadmine and Berry bluff areas are merged now. Also notice a bit of traffic making it to the rivers edge on the BB side and wondered if that was all MDC personnel or if it was locals doing a little outlaw 4-wheelin'.
  18. My competitive fishing technique/plan stays the same all year long except for February and March events. It's not all that much fun to me anymore but when it's time to get serious about putting a fat sack of fish together it is the best way I know of for me to consistently get it done regardless of the conditions. During the Winter I would just sling jerkbaits and grubs like everyone else, but in comparatively scaled down locations, and hope I get lucky.
  19. Yeah but when they got back in they wouldn't know which truck was theirs. It would be Pandemonium.
  20. Oh man! I gotta eat a skiff over a technicality? This is gonna hurt
  21. Yeah well....After 18 years of me retrieving flys out of trees and untangling leaders, it's About Time! Now when she does it I can just look over my shoulder and say, "Ooh boy, good luck with that one".
  22. They'll be waitin'
  23. You can poke a hole in fiberglass with a ROCK a blunt one at that. You're 10,000x more likely to hit a rock than you are an icepick. LMAO! Go ahead.....I've got all day
  24. Back when my dad, grandad, and I fished the middle fork of the Salt we would stop at a city park lake before we got to the river and do the same thing (flip the boat). Once we got to the river we'd back the trailer up to the sandy bank and slide the boat down to the water nose-first. It was the only way to launch at that spot without having to remove the motor and unload the boat.
  25. I've been out for short evening jaunts with fly gear and it hasn't improved at all for me yet. I'm looking forward to that first cold rain to hopefully pump some life into the shallows and put all those shad down for awhile.
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