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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by aarchdale@coresleep.com

  1. apreciate it, but im really just wanting a trailer. The more i look the more i realize its going to be easier to buy a package deal
  2. About noon the kiddo asked me to go fishing and I couldn’t say no. We only had about 2.5 to 3 hours once we got there. Fished around monkey island and around the landing. 5 rainbows, a brown and a bass. Ollie got a new fly rod for Christmas a d was dying to try it. And sure enough he actually caught one. I was surprised as we weren’t really prepped with all the appropriate stuff for fly fishing. We forgot my fly bag. He got that gripper for Christmas mainly for catfish at the pond. I’m not a big fan of them for trout but it did make it easy for him to hold them and get a pic. The brown never left the water
  3. I have a 16 ft jon boat and the trailer i have is just absolute homeade trash that has been welded rewelded more metal added to every part. Basically not worth even messing with. Hoping someone has some old trailer sitting in their field i could grab. as long as its not broken in have a rusted through im fine with putting bearings, tires, lights, etc. Not really looking to spend a ton, but just seeing whats out there. I dont even care if it has a title. I am about 4 miles from Lake Springfield and it probably will never go much further.
  4. Im surprised as much as you fish you hadnt caught one by now. We caught a couple this year on 5" flutter spoons. All the ones i have ever caught have been up around Kimberling though.
  5. look good to me, ill def give them a shot
  6. Never met him but always followed his posts, I fish upper Bull so much and i know he was a master there, wish i had half the knowledge he has about that area. I think he will always be one of the legends of upper bull, i doubt any will come close to the monster walleye he has caught up there
  7. I heard that today too
  8. A long time ago i thought it was still a core ramp. I didnt have cash and they didnt take cards then. I told them look i already bought a boat for him surely he can let me launch the darn thing for free. The guy went ahead and let me launch
  9. Im thinking a glidebait
  10. Took 23.74 to win out of cape on Sunday. I wish I knew what they were doing lol
  11. All the years i used to go scuba diving in Bull. Something i noticed, is i never would see any life below 35 ft, it was just cold dark and creepy. But that was always in the summer when there was thick obvious thermocline. Might be different in the Winter
  12. At least Milliken catches his fish on camera on baits that he promotes.
  13. Well ill beat home i guess for the holiday, tested positive for Covid so dont want to spread it to the family
  14. I have to agree, no where near the 49" record.
  15. I frequent parched corn a Smyrna, I live in Waterford and my parents live over by Linden, so im always in between on those back roads
  16. County Line RD on a Saturday morning is about as annoying as it gets. I never understood why these so called cyclist pick the flattest easy road to riide in the county. They could go half the distance on a mountain bike on trails and get the same amount of exercise
  17. Are you selling the outboard that is on it? If so what is it?
  18. I fizz fish on the regular all summer long because i pretty much only fish deep. Here is what i dont get, is they only float and need fizzed if you put them in the box. I let go short ones all the time and they swim off no problem. Im also the guy out there wading tits deep fizzing all these fish people let go at a tournament that are to dumb to use a needle. IT makes my blood boil, i dont know if i save their lives or not but i at least get them to swim off and have a chance
  19. I went to Bridgeport, yesterday and they were biting good up shallow. Buddy called and he was around the corner from me with a good one, took him the scale, it was 4.71, and he caught a 3 before that and another almost 3 as i was on may way with the scale all on a blade. I went to mainly crappie fish, wind didnt make that easy, i picked up a crank bait and caught a couple keeps and had a 4 wrap me around a log, i thought i was just hung until i got to the log and saw it pinned up against it. 64 degrees at bridgeport 61 at Mccords Bend. Point 15 up about 3 miles was pretty dirty and then it clears up, Brideport down is clean too
  20. Ive tried that and never had great luck with fin clips for some reason
  21. Im no scientist but when one is belly up in my livewell from fishing deep and i fizz it, i can hear air come out, and then it sits in the livewell upright just fine the rest of the day.
  22. If your not wanting livescope, I think you have a lot of options. Pretty much all the big names do sidescan and 2 d really well now days. I would go to Bass Pro and see which one you like the best and fits the Bill. Not sure how the Birds and the Lowrances link with each other, but Garmin is just an Ethernet cable.
  23. i love my livescope but im with ya, its boring even when you are catching them
  24. Hopefully it is what the guy says and it comes with all the electrical and all the components and he only has to put the new one on his mid section and get rid of everything else from the blown one
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