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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Not to change the subject or anything, but every time I go to the zoo and look at the giraffes, I seriously wonder how giraffe ribs would be done on my egg. I bet they would be really good done with a bark on first and then finished low and slow. Serve with some Milo BBQ sauce and MoPanfisher fried potatoes and onions, steamed asparagus and an ice cold beer or two.
  2. I will not be there. Doctor and Lovey have both gone with strictly forbidden. I want to go, feel like going but won't risk full recovery by going. There is still danger of dislocation for 8 weeks after surgery and it's just not worth it.
  3. And get at least 48" wide bottom. Much more stable than 42".
  4. When I put a floor in my commissary boat (1/2" CCA plywood) I painted it with textured porch paint from Lowes. It's holding up well. Don't think that would be first choice to go on fiberglass though. One other consideration - light colored floor is much cooler in the summer.
  5. One suggestion: Texture in whatever paint you use.
  6. Fat belly fish.
  7. Terrierman

    MDC Rant

    The same people who write you a check after you hit one of my trees.
  8. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I Have to recycle my tongue joke. Guy asks waitress what's the special today? Waitress says tongue sandwidh. Guy says eewww I could never eat something that came out of a cow's mouth. Give me a couple of eggs.
  9. It's like any other high quality Ozark stream.
  10. Terrierman

    MDC Rant

    Whoa there pardner. You think owning land should exempt you from following Federal State and local laws on that land? Why stop at harvesting game? Shouldn't you be able to reroute rivers, pollute water and air too? I mean it is your land.
  11. Terrierman

    MDC Rant

    Do you seriously think MDC can't get all of your personal information from a metric ton of other sources if they really want it? It's all just to go into database used to describe the deer harvest and set future regulations. Hardly nefarious. But that doesn't fit your paranoid mindset, so carry on with fretting about your rights to not be "watched".
  12. Will do
  13. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Doctor said I've got five. Five what I said. Doctor said four....three
  14. Doctor and wife have both given me absolutely not for this Jigfest. Dangit. Honestly though Ii can see why. I am very unsteady and as much as I want to attend I want to get well even more.
  15. You guys are so good. People like you give me hope for this world. So much positive here on OAF.
  16. I remain hopeful that I will be able to drive by then. That is the determining factor for me. From what I hear, recovery from THR goes pretty fast so I am hopeful. That said, the literature I got from Mercy says four weeks. I beat the clock by a lot with my knees and sincerely hope it goes that way with this little hiccup.
  17. Two really nice ones. Way to go.
  18. Here around Ozark it was pouring down with thunder a bit after midnight. Nothing now.
  19. The Lew's aluminum pliers have cutters that cut everything and they are the best pliers ever.
  20. Maybe a few paper towels made my list.
  21. I carry a chair, a table and a tarp. And stuff to cook eat and drink and sleep in/under. What else is there? Dawn detergent I guess. Maybe a few paper towels. Forget the rest of that crap, you don't need it.
  22. Jigfest 2017 that was the norm.
  23. If you're the king, I'm the crown prince.
  24. What a river.
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