Where you're going to mount them is important. So is the bird. Goldeneyes and Scaup are more likely to buzz the decoys than cup up and sit down. I'd honor that in the mounts. Woodie hen I would match up with the drake you already have and have them as a pair. Forgive me, but I would not ever spend the $$$ to mount a snow goose.
Great thread. I plead guilty to most of the same things. And maybe a few others. BB gun fights, dirt clod fights, holding lit black cats as long as possible with a few held a little too long. Worst thing ever was holding neighbor kid up in the air on a bag swing until he jumped off and proceeded to break both his arms.
One day, for no particular reason at all, the Chiefs had a defense.
Channeling my inner Forrest Gump I guess.
Hope it lasts for two more games. If it does, they are unbeatable.
My grandmother made scrapple with a hog's head, not offal. Boiled it in some mysterious delicious spice blend, picked off the meat, made corn meal mush with the liquor from cooking the head, mixed in the meat about 50-50 and put it up in loafs to be sliced and fried. Delicious.
Crocs 'n sox. Winner. They really are comfortable. Warm, good for getting some wood for the fire and such. BUT. They are dangerous and I mean you can almost die from wearing them on wet concrete. I've got a pair now that have deck shoe soles on them that are better - but original Crocs are terrible slick when there is weather involved.
It's only a little scary that reading this thread one time gets me ads for Soft Science shoes on so many different websites. This whole internet is connected and just keeps getting smarter and trickier.
I will be there early in the day of 2/28, staying for the duration. Should there be a food thread as well? I'm in for one deer steak and eggs breakfast for the group, coffee, and who knows what else... Can bring whatever is needed.
You guys who've been paying attention to my posts have read something along the lines of everything is everywhere. It's true. But that doesn't excuse looking away from obvious sources of pollutants that affect everything on the planet. Just because you're alive and not on your back kicking like a turtle trying to turn over doesn't mean there are not real problems that we could deal with better than we are. But we don't because we as a nation revere $$$ more than our kids and grandkids. It should not be so.