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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. BassNapper jigs.
  2. You have an opinion? Golly I would have never guessed.
  3. Don't tell I said anything about this, but leg hold traps on the top of fence post baited with almost anything is hard on red tail hawk.
  4. I dearly love going down the Grand Pass memory lane. My duck boat was named the Grand Pass Special. I can bore you with stories from there. A few of them are even true.
  5. We don't have any neighbor cat trouble. I live on the prairie and hear coyotes most nights. That might have something to do with it, I'm sure the cats can't out compete a pack of dogs. Did have a litter of kittens dumped in our driveway two years ago. We saved them to go to the shelter. After that who knows. I'm not much for interfering with Ms. Nature, other than our bird feeder in the window. She's a harsh mistress, who knows her territory and her staff.
  6. One of the best things I own is a clear plastic bird feeder that's attached to the kitchen window. Go through a lot of sunflower seeds - it gets filled every other day. There is also a platform feeder across the driveway but it's basically abandoned in favor of the up close and personal bird show. Don't forget they need water too! When it's cold enough to freeze all their natural watering holes, the bucket by the well house gets a lot of action, as do the shallow birdbath/waterers.
  7. With water like that, the big blue catfish were likely the deal. But you need the right stuff for them. Fresh cut bait on a big circle hook in a 30' deep hole behind wood or something else to make an eddy.
  8. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Patience is a virtue when it comes to Christmas Pudding. Very nice and very English. Or at least very not American.
  9. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    We're going to Sakura for lunch today. It's becoming a tradition for us. Then Holmes and Watson. We had our big family Christmas this weekend in KC. Had turkey AND ham with all the way too many sides. Highlight for us was getting oldest grandson home so the whole family was able to be together. Bless you all and have a great Christmas day.
  10. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Merry Christmas to you and every one who reads this. Bless us all.
  11. One of my goals in life has for a long time has been to actually wear out an outboard motor. Total failure so far.
  12. Bait shop tips are not the same as internet tips. And I don't care who told him where when and how to fish, those are RESULTS.
  13. I do not have any difficulty imagining you putting a Honda 3 wheeler upside down in a pond in the '80's.
  14. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Prime beef is just plain better. We're having beans and cornbread again. This time with leftover honey baked ham.
  15. Not according to Paul Simon.
  16. Fishing near the bottom?
  17. Why not try a pink floating hellgrammite?
  18. It's not up to me to pass judgement on how others spend their money at Christmas, or any other time for that matter. Personally, I've always tried to live well below my means and now that its retirement time, I'm glad that I did.
  19. Always remember: If it's not forbidden by the laws of nature, it's mandatory. So if they can cross in the lab, they WILL cross outside the lab. Maybe not very often, but they will.
  20. Some rocks fight real good. At least that's what I've heard. Sticks too.
  21. You might have had a hook in Old Sam.
  22. Mom used to sponsor kids too. When it comes to feel good television, it's hard to beat Nature. Even better having a grandson working for the Nature Conservancy.
  23. I wish I had another boat to give away.
  24. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Oh my goodness. I wish I was at your house.
  25. I bet that tailgate paint job would have bought a 16 48. Quality art like that does not come cheap. Priorities vary though.
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