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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I have trouble posting pictures here. Joe would be proud of me for a lot of stuff.
  2. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Chicken Orzo soup with fennel, carrots and celery.
  3. https://www.buffaloriver.com/pages/floating/buffalo-river-camping/ Looks like it's either a designated campground or open camping 1/2 mile above or below access points.
  4. That's the way you do it. Get in the truck and meet some new people and see new water. Very nice.
  5. I put fried squirrel in a dutch for a couple of hours at 275. Nice and tender then.
  6. Polices are policies. There has to be some judgement applied in applying any policy.
  7. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Wow what a plate!
  8. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Oh my. My my my my.
  9. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I'm sleepy now with good gut health.
  10. I knew there was a reason you were such a hep cat on all the illegal stuff.
  11. Take your waders and go when the sun is going down, go down to the shoal.
  12. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Sausage bake. Venison Polish with cheddar cheese, Bavarian style kraut (drained) ,a couple of Granny Smith apples cored, peeled and sliced and maybe a half cup of reisling. Side of mashed potatoes. Don't hate me just because I would have made a good German peasant.
  13. Never had you figured for a fag. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  14. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Dia Largo must have been when I was absent. More's the pity. Those look to be the real deal. Wife was there. Says it was the best.
  15. I know smart, responsible gun owners who enjoy hunting, or are employed in a position that self defense is potentially needed. I also know alot of dumb folks with guns. The NRA has done a total disservice to responsible gun owners by treating these two groups equally. Even worse is the NRA's completely tone deaf response to every mass shooting, especially this one. There was a time in this state that to have a concealed weapons permit, a person had to write and personally be ok'd by the county sheriff. That restriction was removed roughly ten years ago now. Those changes haven't improved our or our children's safety one whit.
  16. That's my deal too. Still buy season AR fish and trout permits as well as TX since I visit them enough to justify.
  17. Everything is better here.
  18. Let perfect no longer be the enemy of better. Any progress is still better, any small step. I pray we as a nation can do better.
  19. There is no way you would stand outside and let that go on for another ten minutes if you were able to give it a try regardless of personal danger.
  20. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Dark kolsch. That would be my kind of beer!
  21. Back when I used to set throw lines, we had a big blue - guess maybe 90 lbs. - take a bait and proceed to get tangled in the main line. Too far gone to release so we cleaned it. Have had flatheads there several over thirty, a couple maybe forty. All within ten miles of Jefferson City.
  22. I have caught small sturgeon on the lower Osage when I lived in Jeff City and fished that river a lot. Also eels, herring, suckers and other not so usual ones. Have had some really good wiper days below the lock. It's a cool river to fish. Some of the tribs are great smallmouth, goggle eye and bluegill spots. Too bad you lost that nice sturgeon. But take heart, it wouldn't have counted anyway since you didn't hook it in the first place.
  23. What's the point of having armed school security if they're not expected to do what they can to stop someone from shooting students for ten minutes or so? Better to put up a sign that says pretty please don't hurt anyone on campus and save the money. Sorry. Cannot accept inaction on anyone's part who has a chance to stop something like this from continuing - regardless of personal danger.
  24. We had 7.11 inches in Ozark. No wonder the Finley is big!
  25. Finley is big. Over the road at the park in Ozark. And that was before more big rain this afternoon.
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